Robotics Update: San Francisco Limits Robotic Deliveries!

in #future7 years ago

It was only months ago that the delivery robots began roaming San Francisco streets. Many thought they were a cool addition to the city's atmosphere while others complained and some were extremely troubled about the new paradigm. Many citizens are now relieved to learn that a potential swarm of new autonomous delivery robots headed for San Francisco won't make it to the city's streets as the robotic delivery crisis has been averted.

On Tuesday, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to place extremely strict restrictions on several aspects of robot delivery, specifically, where delivery robots can operate and just how fast they can travel.

Furthermore, the restrictions include extraordinary requirements, with one of the largest entry barriers being that a human monitor must be nearby. Beyond that they have been alotted a speed limit of 3 mph and a confinement to industrial areas. The biggest restriction of all for robotics companies hoping to roll these bad boys out is a maximum of nine delivery robots in the entire city.

Although robot producers must be extremely disappointed about this new restrictive policy towards deliveries, they should be also a bit hopeful because up until now, the city has previously considered an outright ban on delivery robots. Keep in mind that not only can a rule be made, it can also be unmade.

This development has resulted in a potential exodus as delivery robots are already making their way to other cities. Furthermore it has encouraged companies to explore cheaper and more efficient ways of transporting packages or meals in new markets that may not be as unfriendly towards our little robot friends...

What do you guys think about these new policies? Is this a good decision or will it ultimately be a bad move? Will other cities follow suit?

Thanks for dropping by @techblogger

San Francisco reins in delivery robot freedoms - CNET

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Pretty cool idea. I'd love for robots to roll around my city. As long as they're good pedestrians.

Agreed! Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Bring on the robot deliveries!

Cool idea

Everybody needs robot deliveries right? Humans are too slow!


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