What does the future hold for me?

in #future6 years ago

While at the amusement park, I got thinking. There were a lot of things I hadn't come across before in my almost two years of life and I wonder if there can possibly be even more out there that I am yet to experience. Just think, in the last week I have started daycare and discovered that there are parks with more than slides and swings.

If you look at me closely in this picture, you will see the look of question in my eyes. Out of camera is Mummy and I am asking her, "What else haven't you told me about?"

as you can see, I am sitting in a Ladybug car which as I mentioned, is how Kimi Räikkonen got his start in Formula One. Which brings me to the real question of my future, what is going to be available for me to do? What am I good enough at that I will both be able to enjoy doing it and earn a living by doing it? While on the rides I spent most of the time learning the dynamics of how it handled and making sure the Steering was tight. Does that mean I am going to be a Formula One driver?

Today after daycare, one of the teachers spent some time talking to Mummy while I was playing with Daddy and she told her that she was surprised at my levels. I don't really know what is surprising as I don't have any indicator of what is normal and Mummy and Daddy don't seem to worry about it either.

She told Mummy that everyone has an animal logo to tell which place is theirs for shoes, or clothes and things and I have a butterfly. The teacher was telling me this and said, "Your places have a butterfly on them." That's cool, I like butterflies a lot. She then asked me, "This is your place because..?" in one of those finish-the-sentence type tones.

Well, I might be only almost two but, really? So I told her that, "It is my place because it says Smallsteps there." and pointed to my name underneath the butterfly. What kind of trick question was that?? So, she told Mummy that she has told the other teachers to start speaking to me like a person instead of a blubbering fool. I only blubber sometimes but, I am never a fool. I 'pity the fools'. No, I don't get that reference either... blame Daddy.

Does being good at reading, writing or language open up doorways in a future world where people are disconnecting, not reading or speaking to each other? Perhaps they are skills that are going to go the way of my dinosaur friends.

It really is hard to predict what I am going to do in the future but I am hoping that I can make a life out of doing it. A life where I feel fulfilled and content with my experience and of course, one where I can look after Daddy in his old age and, that isn't so far away.

parents have a pretty rough time of it as they are charged with preparing their children for a future that is always going to be different than they have experienced. And at the moment, very different considering how fast everything is moving. No matter what they do, eventually they will be the ones who are unable to set the proverbial VCR clock. Their logic just isn't going to be able to keep up.

They watch me you know. I see them both out of the corner of my eye and I see them look at each other with either knowing looks or, questioning looks. I know what those too parents are thinking also. We are really lucky to have such an awesome daughter.

But, while thinking about that, they also wonder how best to prepare me for a future unknown, a future they may never get to see. They take the path currently that I don't need to learn things, I need to learn the skills to learn things. The idea is that no matter what happens in the world, I will be able to learn how to do it or, have the capabilities to find out how to do it.

Daddy is pretty outspoken on the role and risks of being a consumer and he is doing his best to save me from a consumption lifestyle by supporting me to be a creator, to have an imagination.

A few days ago I asked him to sit on the bed with me. Normally we play games that involves a lot of me getting tickled and kissed but, I asked to talk. He asked me what I wanted to talk about and I told him, "Dragons." So we spent a few minutes talking about dragons and how they breathe fire when they are old enough.

There is an Australian tree I have heard of that needs fire for the seeds to be able to grow. Sometimes, what is needs to be torn down to make way for what will be. I don't think that when I am older I will breath fire but, I might be able to start a few. At least with my thinking.



Future hold memories for everyone, nothing else........

When you come down here I'll show you that tree and we'll start some fires. Not literally of course.

It's very creative with very original perspective of the world from the 2 years old child, I hope your kid will be very happy and talented person, specially with parents who really care about it, good luck

You got a 37.52% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @smallsteps!

Don't ever tell your daddy you're smarter than him.

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