6 laws of the future that will change our lives

in #future7 years ago

With the development of technology, not only the conditions of our lives change. Many previous concepts are not applicable. VentureBeat has compiled a list of six new rules that will change people's lives.

1) Everything that can be digitized will be digitalized!

The digitization began with words and numbers and, through games and videos, reached business functions, medical tools, industrial processes and transport systems. Inexpensive DNA sequencing and machine learning lead to the disclosure of the secrets of life. Cheap ubiquitous sensors document everything we do.

2)Most likely, you will become jobless.

In each sphere, machines and robots begin to work for people. This happened during the industrial revolution, when factories left millions of people without means of livelihood. Already, network stores like Safeway and Home Depot are rapidly increasing the number of self-service outlets. Soon, unmanned vehicles will leave many drivers without work. Automatic diagnostics will replace doctors of some specialties. Only creative professions will be safe.

3)Life will become so cheap that you do not have to work.

Telephone negotiations are getting cheaper, and computers are becoming more powerful than 10 years ago. Technologies of joint consumption lead to the fact that a whole generation refuses to own cars. Health care, food, telecommunications, electricity and computers are falling in price as technology transforms traditional industries.

4)Your destiny will be in your hands like never before.

Information that was previously difficult to access  is now distributed easily and for free. Using a smartphone and applications, you can diagnose and cure a significant percentage of diseases. You can learn almost everything online and for free. SDK and open source programs allow you to create your own drones, and 3D printers - print anything, including electronics.

5)Abundance will be more of a problem than poverty.

In developed countries, this is already true - abundance causes health problems. Obesity, diabetes, heart failure are the main killers in the West. And they are spreading rapidly in developing countries, because human genes are not ready for an abundance of calories. In abundance are also the Internet, the media and social networks. The volume and speed of information flow is increasing, attention deficit is growing. Even with the necessary tools, it's harder for us to get our brains to get things done.

6)The difference between a person and a machine will become less visible.

Smart glasses and contact lenses, prosthetic limbs controlled by computer programs, exoskeletons for the military or the elderly, sensor-tattoos and many more.

As a result of all this, the very idea of a person is changing. It becomes extremely difficult to draw a line between a person and a machine.

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