Technology and Nature (Intertwining For An Accelerated Future) — Part 2

in #future7 years ago

Technology is so interesting.

Us humans quite literally started to replicate our systems on mass organizational features.

Look at our highway system, or city layout from google earth far away, and then zoom into a microchip and they look easily similar.

Maybe it's the sacred geometry fine-grained in our every being, or maybe it's our craving of nature.

I know personally, that when I eat a good wholesome meal, meditate, spending time in nature and breathe some fresh air that I feel amazing.

Like returning to baseline.

Although, on the other hand, I also feel damn good creating something via technology, whether that be an ad campaign, utilizing a writing platform like Steemit or just plain investigating and looking towards the future of cryptocurrencies.

There is an amazing dichotomy here.

And I believe that we can push them together.

VR may be trying to do that, by taking you places virtually or giving interaction like feeling through even a vibrate feature in an Apple phone.

Yet, I think we need to start at a higher viewpoint.

One that stems from our being and drive.

HyperEvolution - How Biology Can Use Technology

Think about this.

Evolution used to take millions and millions of years.

Some say it still does, others show methylation of DNA day to day having changes in kids for generations.

Yet, technology will be the next thing that propels and hockey sticks our evolution, just like we see the growth in the stock market, people, and resources.

One simple key point is that genetic mutation via technology is coming very soon.

It's something that not many people actually think about.

What if you could genetically modify and engineer your kid.

They’d be free of disease for life, have perfect feature, etc…

Theoretically, it would create standard people, who look a bit different but are almost the same.

Granted there is a bit of disconnect.

While everyone would start with their baseline genetics, if they want to be related to their parents, they could effectively max out this DNA.

Make sure the perfect alleles wind up and bam, the disease is defeated and evolution starts again.

Although, we do need to realize that who we are and who we think we are, is made up of layering of environment and genetics.

That time you feel riding a bike, paired with your dad yelling at you for being home late, pair with a million other experiences and the resiliency of your DNA creates you, or who you think you are.

At this point, we are talking about the I and the i (which I want to differentiate the I as ego and our view of ourselves presently and i as being us.)

So now we have super people, or a new baseline, something that we have never seen before, layered with intricate thought processes and people guiding this Human 2.0s that don’t actually know how they have conscious being.

Does this make old humans nonexistent or obsolete?

Well, what happens when a normal human ages?

Typically they are the wisest, understand the evolution of the mind and can teach quite a bit, so in this sense, it becomes more intellectual.

That is keeping the notion that we are still using the same brain and/or by changing and updating genetics something entirely different doesn’t come out.

I mean think about it.

By increasing DNA evolution or pushing everything to desired results we may evolve the brain again or create new structures and a new species never seen before.

How Does This Lead To Human A.I. and Evolution With Nature

When a deaf person gets a cochlear implant and can hear, are they A.I.?

Are the sounds they hear not natural anymore?

Or how about someone with laser eye surgery who can see better?

What happens is the word natural becomes hard to define.

Nature right now means “the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the art, as opposed to humans or human creations.”

That’s why we say this is a “man-made lake.”

Although, these sounds are basically created now by humans, or the light spectrum moving through the laser surgery eye.

When we reduce this further it seems to be a vibrational frequency that we are talking about.

Something completely separate from what we think naturally is.

The earth and its organic nondisrupted matter vibrate at a certain level, which we can feel, while technology vibrates completely different.

It's why we think of technology, often, as cold and hard while nature seems vibrant with energy and life.

Maybe that's a fatal flaw of the categorization of technology by those who created and spread it, but typically technology is synonymous with that.

On the other hand, the person with the cochlear implant or laser eye surgery is receiving waves and vibration (sound and light) that can now be transmitted to their brain and experienced by their consciousness.

What I mean is that we did create it for them…

If a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

No, because sound quite literally means the transfer of vibrations and waves to the ear picked up and translated to what we experience as sound.

I know I’m going in depth, but it seems this a much bigger topic than when I even started thinking about it.

Nature feels good, technology feels the void of life.

Life seems to be the key missing feature, and no I am not saying to embed life into A.I. to have a completely self-sufficient A.I. but maybe we connect them.

Research shows that by just putting a picture of a plant in a work environment, productivity and feeling of well-being are increased dramatically.

What if our new workplaces function like Google’s Headquarters meets Niagara falls.

Humans gravitate towards fountains in big buildings.

A tower is very similar to a mountain, and water would be found around it thus eliciting similar responses.

Although building in plants, environment, life into these smart buildings may be a key to connecting the dots and keeping both people happy/healthy while accelerating their growth and evolution via technology.

Using this train of thought leads me to my last topic for today.

What Happens If We Become Uploaded

Well, I don’t know.

I don’t think anyone can.

Try to imagine what it was like for the brain to go from no pre-frontal cortex or ability to think and observe itself, to having consciousness, experience and the total observational process of thoughts.

It is utterly impossible.

Although to speculate, I don’t think it will be bad.

Just different, like trying a new flavor of ice cream or learning that different coffees, come with different tastes because of their soil and genetic makeup.

No, it isn’t good or bad, but it allows you to experience much more.

This may be the same.

Or we will slowly realize that our I, is not there and that we are simply are i.

Interconnected beings that aren’t a skin sack, but instead are part of something bigger.

We all derive from the same thing, and that shouldn’t let us hate, although we have to have hate in order to have love.

Thus, we have a choice to grow with technology or fight it.

One is based on love and the acceptance of life and growth itself and the other fear, hate, and regression.

They may neither good or bad, but it is something to think about.

I think this concludes this mini-series if you like this please let me know and I’ll start to dive into it more,


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