Funny Pick-Up Line | Win 2 shares of @sbi - 1 for you +1 for your friend

in #funnypickupline6 years ago (edited)

A little over a year at #steemit and this is my first time creating a challenge - Here goes! I’m happy to be adding this new feature to my repertoire and I didn’t realize it until just now but I’m pretty bummed out it took me so long.


You’re not trying to take Him or Her home (yet) or even exchange names (yet). Your only objective right now is to make that person laugh. What’s your funniest pick-up line - Watcha got? Let’s see it. Leave it in the comment section for the rest of us to laugh at - The one with the most votes on Monday, 10.15.18, at 11:59pm PST wins 2 shares of @sbi. Seems simple enough, right? Let’s see what happens! Here’s some additional #fun that involves an unknowing recipient: You only get one of those #steembasicincome shares and you’ll need to tell me the name of the second recipient you’re going to surprise. I’ll screen shot the purchases and paste them in the winning comment.

What’s your one-liner? Let’s see it!

He or she is sitting at the bar by their self, their back is to you and the seat next to them is empty - It’s pretty loud. The music is perfect and you like what you see! The bartender just handed that person a drink and walked away. It’s all yours - Go get’em!



Thinking, mulling, thinking …🤔… I’ll get back to you …

Pick-up lines ain’t your thing. You’re the one sitting at the bar sifting through them all.

Hey you, wait here while I go grab a drink… don’t go anywhere, I want to get to know who I am going to be making out with tonight 😉 #winner!

Hey, wait a minute! I’ve heard that exact line somewhere before and I was not thinking laugh. #loser

Sure is nice to see that H instead of a C.

Haha… good one!

Well it’s not really a pick up line but I guess in a way it is. This just happened to me recently. I was at the sheriffs office giving them my iPhone so they could get some videos I took of a wild Police/Swat Encounter.
Upon returning my phone the female detective said not to get rid of the videos and as I went to leave I almost said...
“Well you have my number, give me a call if you need anything.” Then follow it up with a wink and a laugh.
I am glad I stopped myself and just simply said, “bye”

oh you missed that one @jlsplatts, there’s no way she could’ve stopped herself from laughing. All douche-like “you got my number :wink:” and top it off with a walk into the door or something. Haha.

I had to keep it professional I was in my work clothes that have the companies logo on them.
Super douche like. Ha ha ha we were in the front waiting area with a couple people around too. LOL

I already excluded myself from this challenge but I really need to know something - Is this funny?

“I peed in that chair last night.”

She’d laugh, right? Would I get a laugh out of that you think or something else?

I laughed. She might look at you and say, “What the F is wrong with you?”
Dah ha ha ha

I’d like to see this one catch some traction cuz it’ll be one funny line after the other. Good stuff.

Eh, refresh me right quick, did you give them the video? You just allowed them to view it, correct? Do you have the only copy?

I gave them a copy. I still got the goods😜 along with a ton of other people. Lol

That’s a lot! I count for anywhere between 181.25 and 184.9 of that 2k.

I fluctuate wildly!

edit eh check @glenalbrethsen comment on this one. Lol. G’mornong Brother Splatts.


Excuse that Monday, 10.15.18 date, like I said, this is my first time - that date doesn’t make sense! The #steembasicincome shares will be handed out when this post is finished generating on Wednesday, 10.17.18. Thanks for understanding the correction!

"Excuse me, but do you believe in fairy tales? Because I want to take you home to puff my magic dragon ;)"

I’m certain any wandering ears will laugh! And if that person at the bar laughs and doesn’t swing, you got a good one! Thanks for stopping by @sparkesy43!

Haha… I would laugh at this for sure.

What’s up big winner?!

Yup, three votes is all it took! Congratulations @sparkesy43, you’re the recipient of my first giveaway.

Please tell me the name of the second recipient you’d like me to purchase a #steembasicincome for and I’ll get you both one!

Thanks a lot for playing @sparkesy43, I’ll see you soon.

Well that is certainly unexpected, thankyou.

For the second recipient, the entry by @sarez made me laugh, so I'll send it their way.

Thank you @sparkesy43 for playing! And thank you, too, @sarez! You guys enabled me to complete my first giveaway. I’m already thinking of new ideas to get the community involved as well as spread a little bit around.


Thank You! Now I am Laughing With You.

Ok @dandays Nice to meet you .... oh that wasnt My entry just yet !!!!

My entry to the contest is one told TO ME :
I know you are going to have cold feet , but tomorrow morning you can wear My slippers to warm them up.
😬😬 I never wear slippers including that mans slippers 😉

I laughed out loud to the first sentence too! So what happened, you woke up and put your own shoes back on? Ha!

Thanks for stopping by @brittandjosie! This competition isn’t going to require too many votes to win.

This one was the ultimate cringe pick up line in the south of France between 1995 and 2002 "Your father/mother was a thief, he/she stole all the stars to put in in your eyes"

these Frenchs :)

You can even find a top 10 of the "Your father" pick up line...

Haha… cheese ball… I actually like it.

Mega Parmesan macaroni cheese ball

Killen em with that cheese :)

Tell me that doesn’t look like @jlsplatts!

Hahaha… that’s hilarious

That line’s such a cheesy one, I didn’t even finish reading it just now and I was already laughing. Imagine actually trying to pull that one off today, I’m pretty sure she’d laugh at you!

Thanks for stopping by @edprivat! Great to see you again.

Jeez it was cheesy back in the days, but today I am sure people would get burnt for less !
I want to add that I personally never used a one-liner in my life as my strategy was different, when I liked someone I was ignoring the person, some form of reverse psychology at play...

Try me! I am trained in the bliss therapy. What! you have never experienced this?

Haha! Hey wild you mind if I used your line and twisted it up just a little bit? Be like.. ‘blister telepathy! Wait, I mean blister telephone! Therapy I mean! Danget. Blister th-therapy! Bliss I mean, bliss!’

So far this thread has been a good idea, whoever doesn’t like a cheap and easy laugh is lying about things they like!

Thanks for stopping by @sarez! Let’s see how this things plays out. Happy Thursday.

Ooohh. Smooth.

hey, @dandays.

Been sitting here trying to think of a funny pickup line for several minutes now and I'm finally just now wondering why. :) I've never used a pickup line in my life, funny, lame, meh, or otherwise. So, not only is there no funny pickup lines in my repertoire, there is no repertoire. :)

Makes you wonder how I got married, doesn't it? Ask my wife. She doesn't know how I got married, either! :)

Ha! @glenalbrethsen, you just got it like that! Doesn’t need to be cheesy or funny or anything when silence is all you need.

I'm pretty sure she brought up the whole idea of getting married, not me, but she doesn't remember it that way. Problem is, she doesn't have any other explanation for it. :) There was no formal proposal, no engagement ring, just a general discussion of whether we should and that being yes, when. Saved a lot of wondering, stress, grief, pain, anguish, etc. Not very romantic, but why put on airs?

How long have you guy been married now, sir? You’re proof that the smoke and lights isn’t always necessary.

It will be 30 years this coming January. We were married down in Los Angeles (we were living in Orange County at the time). I guess I better start thinking about what we're going to do for that one, since we've not really done a whole lot for the last few. Okay. Looks like the color for the thirtieth is green. Hmmm. Maybe I can wait it out until St. Patrick's Day? :)

You’ve waited 30 years, what’s a couple more months? Ha! Congratulations, way to set an example!

“You wanna smell my hair?”

Girl jogging with earbuds in stopping at the crosswalk
Random guy: “good morning, so you’re going for a jog huh?” Haha

If I was in that crosswalk and heard dude ask a girl that, a girl that’s jogging in her jogging gear that question, I would laugh out loud for sure.

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