Mascota divertida: Mi Bam de Jesus

in #funnypet6 years ago (edited)

Hola comunidad hoy quiero presentarles a mi mascota, su nombre es Bam de Jesús, lo tengo desde que era un cachorrito a penas 7 días de nacido, llego a mi casa y desde ese entonces ha sido parte de mi familia, él es muy ocurrente, cuando lo regañamos se hace el muerto, y siempre esta haciendo travesuras, le gusta esconder las cosas debajo de las camas.

Acá sus poses divertidas:



Si quieres participar en este concurso puedes hacerlo a traves del siguiente link:

Se despide de ustedes:



Thank you very much for being part of the steem community. I am glad you took part in the #funnypet competition. The judge is @karlin and she will make the decision on the winners on Monday. I am wishing you good luck!

In the meantime, if you have time, I am sure that some of the people who participated in this contest would appreciate your comment on their post or photos. Everyone loves some feedback, so please do it for others, just as they do it for you.

In the meantime I looked at your post and thought you might like to know my score on your photo or video submission:

I am only giving a score for the photo, not the text or caption:

Here is my score - on the photo/video only:

I give you a score of 3

You also get my vote!

My scoring index:

10: Superb! This photo could be a top-selling wall-poster.
7 to 9: Excellent and enjoyable. I am glad you posted it.
3 to 6: Good and interesting.
2: OK - worth seeing - but not my favourite
1: Sorry, this photo or video does not impress me
0: Fail

@karlin will judge this competition on Monday and the winner announced by her will have SBD 25 added by me. Thank you very much for being here.

Don’t forget to comment on other people’s #funnypet

very-very good picture ok I've vote.jangan forgot vote back

Morí de la risa con eso de que se haga el muerto cuando lo regañan. Esos animales son mas astutos que nosotros.

Si amiga a ellos lo unico que le falta es hablar son muy pilas

You got a 2.84% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @paomrp!

Esta lindo tu mascota @paomrp, gracias por compartir su foto. Saludos!

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