DEMON GIRL came to KILL my ROOM MATE. He texted me as it happened...

in #funny7 years ago

A few years ago... in a continent DOWN UNDER...

My girlfriend at the time purchased a mannequin head with real human hair to experiment and practice what she wanted to do with her hair for our wedding. Chicks love that stuff and can put a lot of thought into it. But it's nice to see her being so passionate, it was going to be her day to be more beautiful than ever.... And she was :)

The day it arrived, she washed its hair as it was a little dirty, and she had it on a stool sitting on a white towel. And it looked like this...


My roommate is an unemployed person who has a rich dad and does what he want when he wants. So he sleeps in the morning and gets up in the evenings. My fiance and I wanted to go out for dinner and we left the house with the little demon girl outside his room looking like this.


In the middle of dinner I received this SMS from him...


We could both hardly eat as we were laughing so much food was coming out of our noses lol.

When I got home I asked how it actually panned out? He said that when he first opened the door he was like WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! And then HELLO???? He shut the door and shook his head and then checked again to see if it was really there AND IT WAS... What ever was going through his mind would have been dramatic!!!

He then accepted that there was a demon girl here to kill him. And what does he do? He goes through the other door of him room, goes through the bathroom, sneak up on this demon and kill it...

But in reality it went more like this... He snuck up behind this plastic head which was about child height and slapped it on the back on the head. It rolled on the floor and and when he realised what it was his heart was racing and he was in a panic sweat and just had a tantrum.

At the end of the day he thought it was funny too as he had calmed down by the time we got back. But it was funny and still is every time I think about it.

Hope you enjoyed that story. Offer me an upvote and a follow if you did. And if you can please resteem this for me before it sinks to the bottom.

Have a great day.


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