in #funny7 years ago


Fart is a commonplace of life for all human beings. In fact there are half the people who fart more than ten times a day. You will feel a pleasure that is hard to imagine after you release a very strong fart. The issue now is that the situation after your fart is released - when your farts produce a foul odor and are left "floating" in the air for everyone to smell.
Although it is so, you do not worry because the fart smell is actually a signal that tells you that your body is healthy. And you may be surprised if you know that fart smell can make us more healthy!

Mean Fart Smelling

Fart is a sign that your body has lowered the amount of healthy fiber in your body. In addition, it means there is a healthy bacteria in your intestines and that your body is functioning properly. If your fart does not smell, do not worry because it is also a normal matter. The odor that comes together with the fart is usually from hydrogen sulfide, which is solved from various foods that have been put into the body. When it is being digested, it is part of the process of realizing the odor that will accompany the gas you release. Now, there are various ratings of fart smell.

Mengidu Smell Foul Rotten Others May Be Helping Someone That To Live Longer

According to one study, farting others will make your chances of living longer are high. This is because the smell of methane and hydrogen sulphide present in a person's fart actually helps convert enzyme function in your body to reduce diseases like Dementia. In addition, a new study by Exeter University in England has explained that it also helps in preventing mitochondrial degradation.

How Does the Fart With The Too Bad?

Maybe there will be those who think they are actually uncomfortable due to their foul very fart. But in essence, he is very nice and good for you! This too rotten odor means your diet is adequate with foods that produce heavy hydrogen sulphide - which is common to people who practice a diet high in fiber. These foods include eggs, beans and broccoli. Red meat is the main food that will make your fart become very rotten.
The only problem that may come along with the foul smell is: it will take effect immediately after you take out any of your products. For farts smelled after you drink a glass of milk or anything the tenusu may be signs of lactose intolerance. A very chronic smelly fog may also be a sign to gastrousus problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome. But this is a less rare case, because the fart smells generally a healthy gut mark.

In conclusion, let your fart out with the most satisfaction and most importantly, do not once in a while you are afraid of your own farts because in essence, he may be able to help you in fighting the disease.