Kid just kid. // 小孩子

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

It was hot weekends afternoon. So, I filled up the plastic water pool for my kids to have fun. Sitting aside watching them playing water, my son kept running out from pool and doing this and that. (Actually I'm not taking note what he was doing. ) Suddenly he came to me with crying face.

Son:" Papa, you come here."

I:"Ya...ya...what happened?".

He brought me to the bottle which my father kept outside.

Son:"My car dropped inside."

I started to laugh. And asked:"What do you want me to do?"

Son: "Put your hand in and help me to pick it."

I shown him that my hand could not get into that bottle. He tried him, and agreed.

I:"So what can we do to take it out?"

Son:"Let's try this wood."

He took a piece of wood beside and tried to put it in. After couple of minutes, he gave up and cried at me again.

Son:"I can't get my car!"

I:"Ok. Let's see can we pour it out?"

I started pouring the water from the bottle. The car spin and spin in the bottle but still not being flushed out.

Son:"It stuck. It can't get out already....wooo...wooo...wooo....(started crying)."

I:"Calm down. Not yet. Please be patient and wait for one more minute."

A while later the car flushed out together with the algae inside.

My son shouted happy and took his car for a bath.

This is kid...Just a kid....Ha ha ha...

That's life....

I love you my son....


一个炎热的周末午后, 我把塑料泳池装满水让小孩子们凉快凉快。 小孩子们玩水, 我在一旁纳凉(其实是在滑手机)。 我看到儿子进进出出泳池, 也没去注意他在干嘛。 只看到他跑来跑去, 弄了这个摸了那个。

突然, 他哭丧着脸跑来。

儿子:“爸爸, 你来这里一下。”

我:“好。。好。。什么事情?” (看那表情我就知道有事。)

他带我去个大玻璃瓶旁, 那是我爸摆那里的。






好吧。 我就跟他一样把手在瓶口挤一挤, 告诉他:“我的手太大, 没办法。”

他也跟我一样试了。 然后说:“那要怎样拿出来?”


他转头去旁边捡了跟木材, 说:“那拿这个试一下。” 他就开始往瓶口捅。

我在一旁边看边笑, 帮他见证。

搞了一会儿, 他告诉我不能够, 哭着说:“我拿不到我的车!”

我说:“好吧。 那样我们把瓶子抱去那边倒出来看看。”

我就把瓶子抱去旁边的草地上开始倒。 他在一旁看着他的玩具车在里面翻滚, 接近瓶口了, 又被冲回来。

儿子很着急, 哭喊着:“它卡住了! 出不来了!”


一会儿, 玩具车跟里面的藻类一块儿被冲了出来。 他很高兴的拿着他的玩具车去洗了。



I tend to think, since you use cn tag, at least some Chinese should appear.

I'll put some Chinese next time. Thanks for remind.

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