How Ants loses motivation to work

in #funny6 years ago (edited)


Every day the little Аnt arrived early in the workplace and began to labor. She was working, producing and she felt happy.
The lion, the boss of all the animals, was surprised that the ant worked unattended.
"If she works so much without supervision, could she not produce more if someone controls her?" He thought.
So he hired a Cockroach, who had great experience as a supervisor, and he was doing great reports.
The first solution of the cockroach was to introduce access control for Ants.
Then the cockroach decided she needed a secretary to help her with the reports, and she hired a Spider who, besides the archives, was also involved in controlling telephone conversations.
The lion was fascinated by the Roach's reports and asked her to draw production charts and trend analysis to present them at specially organized meetings. For this purpose, her cockroach bought a computer, a laser printer, and a fly was hired to run the IT department.
The ant, once productive and cheerful, was desperate by so many supervisors, robbers and meetings that took her all the time!
At this time, the Leo concluded that the time had come to appoint a person responsible for the sector where the Ant was working. The post was entrusted to a Sturec, whose first decision was to furnish a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his desk. He also needed a computer and an assistant (taken from his front office) to help him prepare the strategic plan to optimize work and control the budget for the sector where the Ant has worked, which at this stage was no longer entertaining and every day he was getting angry.
At the same time, the Stuart convinced Lion in the absolute necessity of exploring the environment. After exploring the workload, the Lion noticed that the Ant was not producing any more than before.
He hired an owl, a renowned consultant, to carry out an audit and propose solutions. The owl spent three months in the offices and produced a huge report of several volumes, concluding: "There is a lot of staff in this enterprise."
Guess who fired the Lion first?
Ant, naturally. The motives for the dismissal were: "lack of motivation and conflict behavior".
Absurd or Reality?



Tank you, wodahs!

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