The "Friday Feeling" - Embrace it, go out and have fun.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny7 years ago (edited)


This morning I woke up with the "Friday Feeling" that awesome feeling of relief that the weekend is almost here and there is just one more working day to go until that precious two days of freedom.

For those of you who are working the weekend you have my deepest sympathy.

Later I was driving to work feeling a bit philosophical as I pondered my week, it's been pretty good. I'm lucky I get to visit Steeemit and discord while I'm working so I can be stimulated, educated and entertained whilst getting paid by "the man".

I started thinking.image.png "do we enjoy Friday enough?"

Shouldn't everyone travel to work on Friday feeling the way I did today? Smile on your face, nice tune on the radio, sun in the sky and a spring in your step?

Easier said than done I guess.

The weather can't be trusted and most DJ's annoy the hell out of me, always talking over the last bit of the tune because for some reason they seem to think I want to hear their voice and not the end of a song I've just spent 4 minutes listening to "you narcissistic jerk!"
See what I mean? Chill dude.

Those of you who go to work in large towns and cities, travelling on public transport , waiting in queues, packed like sheep into dirty train carriages and buses have it the worst.
Believe me I know as I used to live in London and I perfected the "subway stare" in order to not interact with anyone to and from work and to help get a seat.

Subway stare! image.png

But let's face it, it's not exactly the way you want to transition into your two days of rest and relaxation. You should already be chilled out and ready to kick back by the time you get home on Friday so you can maximise the time with your friends and loved ones.

So I say start waking up on Friday's and straight away shout out loud "Yes it's Friday" put a smile on your face, get yourself ready and leave for work happy. Smile at strangers, get to know the people you stare down every morning, tell a joke, laughter is after all infectious.
You may get looked at like you've just escaped from a rubber room at first but persevere folks it'll be worth it in the end.

Quick run away that man's smiling at me!

Anyway, I want to do my part to put a smile on your face this Friday so I've got two things I'm going to try.
First is a joke and second is a song.
Here goes...........

A dog walks into the job center. He walks up to the counter and says....
" I'm looking for a job"
The man behind the counter looks confused and says....
" You're a talking dog you shouldn't you be in the circus?"
The dog replies....
" Circus? What would a circus want with a brick layer?"

He likes it. image.png

Alright not smiling yet? I'll try the song.
This has always cheered me up and made me smile since it was released over 25 years ago.
Happy is in the title after all......

Courtesy of YouTube.

So to conclude.

Enjoy your Friday everyone because before you know it, it'll be Monday morning and it starts all over again.

Thanks for visiting @tremendospercy
Please support the minnowsupportproject @minnowsupport
Huge thanks to @epicdesigns for the new avatar. Reach out to him if you want to be rebranded.



Yes it's Friday, finished a set of nights this morning, been to the gym and have another 4 days off before work starts again, the weather is going to be hot this weekend, time for burnt food offerings outside with beer to wash it down, awesome.

Sounds epic!
Have a cracker. It's Party time here this weekend.

For all believers on Friday is a great day. Thanks for the article

Funny post!! Have a great day and awesome weekend!!

You too.
Thanks for commenting.

What a nice and well done post. Got my upvote

Always keep in mind that Friday is the day before #BeerSaturday

I LOVE beer Saturday.
Thanks for the comment and checking into @tremendospercy

Joke was good enough for mw ahahhhaha. Thanksiez

Thanks for the laughs! It's sunny, it's warm, and it's Friday! Yesssss!

Haha, happy Friday my dude

I love awful jokes 😂

I don't know why that cracks me up but it does.
Simple jokes can be great.
Cheers for commenting buddy.

hahahaha...sorry >_<

Couldn't help myself ;D

Luckily not even that can ring me down today!😂
Thanks for checking in @tremendospercy

Go you! >_<

I always adore fridays <3 its a wonderful day n make me happy for many reasons :))
Following you, would love to be followed back. :)))

I'll get there.
Thanks for following 👍

Lookin' good!

Looks epic
Hope you get some extra work buddy.

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