This Is Why Marriage Sucks

in #funny6 years ago

My wife's reaction when I come home from the supermarket with the wrong brand of laundry powder or someshit

gif from giphy


Not as bad as my girlfriend breaking up with me because i boiled the egg she said i should fry and fried the one she said i should boil.

only way back is to fertilize her egg

Thanks for you sir...

Thanks for your help @gentlebot

Thanks for you

Thanks for you my dear friends
Upvote and rsteemit Sir Dan

Man's life after marriage...

or if you invested in steem

Eventually, she'll do that just because you came home.

eventually? she was like this from the first date
and it gradually got worse

Never lough at your wife's choices
because you are one of them.

well the only one that met her half way i guess

There are a billion kids of fabric softeners. How would you know she needed something hypoallergenic?

I just read your wife's recent posts. You are lucky she didn't nuke you.

Try bribing her with some chocolate.



managed to convert the energy of a nuclear bomb into calories

@traf, look at the bright side. At least your wife doesn't go shopping so you can keep your Steem in your wallet.

steem in the wallet is probably where i lose most of my money

At least, you didn't come home with the wrong kid
like last time!

Thanks for you sir..

Most welcome sir..

Thanks for you sir..

My wife: "Not suitable for anything..Carry me to the market to change this brand.."

That's a great funny Sir..

Most welcome sir..

You kidding me, marriage always sucks! Anyway Traffy, this is the nature. Adopt to it!

Traffy, you got 2 options. Go buy what she said or let her shopping. If you let her shopping, you have to sell all STEEM within few months of time :D. So prefer option 1 :D
This is my personal experience. To keep a good marriage, you must adopt to these things :D


it is much mor than about brand

Is that the same face she made the first time she took your pants off Traffy?

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