
What they hell happened Traffy, did the priest baptized your baby and named him Bernie or something?

go fuck yourself2.jpg
source: cafepress

the priest likely did more than that

Yeah those priest always swearing, cussing, drinking, smoking cigars, no wonder the little impressionable babes ends up like:


:) just keeping it pg13 neh?

Wow can't wait till that happens, my son is only 2 atm, it'll be interesting reaction for sure. I'm thinking I'll be either something like:

OR it'll be more traditional way:


or you can just increase his pocket money

Hahaha, then I'll have to worry about Nerf bullet infestation :)

Damn! That toddler is going to grow up to be pimp, hustler, and all round bad-ass by the time pre-school starts

I have warned my wife. I believe a kid should know two things if nothing else:

  1. Jiu jitsu.

  2. How and when to curse.

I am probably going to have a lot of after school meetings.

detention for parents
that might work

And The Father Of The Year Award goes to....

@traf - Lol Looks like he told her to go suck a lemon (or whatever she fancies ;) ) the way she is rushing out with her mouth open! hahaha




she looks pretty happy about it too

The main thing to be protected :)

you have the right to go fuck yourself
need an amendment for that

In an alternate realty, I just can't understand where he'd get so much aggression from at that age...


any excuse to stick his finger up someone's bum

Then they go ahead and ask the baby "what did you just say?"

Baby be like:


Can always spot a Redneck

So now that we've identified what we're working with, lets get down to brass tacks

But it's not all about the kids, can learn a lot from the parents too.

What was that?

Hey, @traf, she called you Sugar bear, that's cute.

And I'm done

In all adults are to blame. What kind of upbringing, such and the children :)

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