Outsmarting The Wife

in #funny6 years ago

I bought some skimpy lingerie and left it somewhere in the house where my wife would find it

Hopefully she'll take the kids to stay with her mother for a few days and give me some peace and quiet



Not enough.. i will make pleasure to my wife differently..She is proud of me sure.

oh god
I could never fit into my wife's clothes
they're way too big

That's a amazing funny @traf

A very bad idea :D
Probably she will take kids to stay with her mom, but I don't think you might get what you were looking for, if she decided to dress it :D

Traffy, better you stay with your kids now lol :D


yeah I think the wife is 12 sizes too large for that lingerie there

right!! hehehe amazing funny...

Wow what a creative way to die

if your boyfriend's quick, he'll come up with this excuse the day you find someone's else's lingerie in the bedroom :p

Hahahaha. So true. The husband might get killed

It's a game of chess, not a game of checkers.

if it is, then my wife would definitely beat IBM's watson or deep mind or whatever

Victory . Your plan worked. After a terrible scandal and broken dishes, the wife took the children and went to live with her mother.

and when she gets back she can clean up the broken dishes

wait up there tiger. she went to get them divorce papers. say goodbye to half your steempower :P

i'll conveniently forget my password

haha... the secret is out. that imaginary gf you keep yapping about is actually your SP!

I mean, a man gotta do what he gotta do, right? Lol

that was not what I was expecting, definitely gonna try it

That would ruin it.

Haha lmao, I captured this footage on my phone. Some big parade because you shared your secret with us.


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