Must Have Internet

in #funny6 years ago

When you're on the toilet desperately trying to stretch far enough to get a WiFi signal

gif from giphy


Just imagine the moment, when you get enough Wifi signal and you could place that sh!t on the right place :D

This is how I am celebrating that moment lol :D


always best to be able to watch porn while shitting

That s why her mother take this decision like a punishment..

but i haven't finished using the toilet mommy

Finish at room..You didn t use it.

the best part is when the cat tries to bury it in the ground :D

it'll need some sharper claws to dig through

My bathroom is kind of a deadzone, both because of the lack of signal and the smell.

if mine didn't have a signal everyone would just shit in the lounge

If mine didn't have
A signal everyone would
Just shit in the lounge

                 - traf

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Lol, this can be a real problem, especially if you check the latest crypto news, hahaha

haha like you're beating constipation one tweet at a time

lol gonna be hard to cover that one up

sharper claws needed to dig through those floorboards

Haha lmao, well it could have been much worse


LoL traf, need to be careful in such stretches, otherwise you can completely lose access to the WiFi :D

the worst day...

Don t wast your time..the signal is offline..

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