
All us seniors need to hustle with the best of them.

How else can we keep up with all you kiddos?

Sometimes we just pop our head up for some


she was smart enough to turn around before popping back up

I think she also put her dentures back on.

Shame! Shame! Shame!

When your real age is revealed

To avoid unnecessary awkwardness, honesty still be the best policy.

the bell ringer of shame
that's when shame gets serious

I like it when witches girls use a little magic on me

...a little herb , incantation, some nice brassiere....voila!

Then again Traffy & I already has cursed genitals so what's the worst that can happen?

source: gr-assets & wikia

my scrotum could use a face lift

Haha yeah it's amazing what a bit of makeup can do

yeah some boys use magic too

source: tinypic

Good lord, looks like a magic trick gone wrong lol

hhh @dj123 makeup is another magic :)

yeah all these arcane arts baffles me, it's all magic to me, hell I won't be surprised if she brought a broom to our date

All you need is lube, and viagra, and love knows no age


she just looks an your average 28 year old australian girl who enjoys the sun

Daeem . No wonder a lot of Australians love to travel

Is that Gam Gam from beer fest? Haha

I don't know I met her at a German Boob Fest

more like German skeleton fest

Could have been Halloween hehe

Dress doubles as a body bag when it's time to pass.

HAHaha wow that's a burn. I hope poor Hilda won't read this comment - her heart is so weak at her age

Hahaha abit morbid there sexymatty, she still has a few good years left if you're up to it

Don't really want to compete for her. Competition too stiff.

Hey Dan, didn't know you and my granny are together.

Oh My God! Say hello to the wife @Dandesign86

She says hello back ( with a German accent) so it's more like a halooo

Thought she'd be russian
(Mail Order Bride)
Tries to pay with Steem

@traf is still trying to return his, doesn't have enough stamps

lol...yup and it's past its fertilisation expiration date

oh no you didn't

lol see that's why we need you to come more often to traffy demented & politically incorrect corner of the Steem blockchain

Mmm male order bride indeed

So she's lying about something else too!!!

You know me too well @idikuci

@steemnsfw tells me your secrets

She might be lying both about her age and background like the girl in the movie "Orphan"

Run Dan ! Run Dan

Lol, all hope is lost then, he runs like a dandy, a 5 year old kid can catch-up & trip him

Hi! Could I ask you a favor, if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

Thank you :) I'm an owner of an art gallery so I appreciate the comment . If you come late on a Saturday you will see an art installation that will make you burst with excitement

careful dandy, if you let him in, @steemnsfw will cum all over your artwork

You make a good point ☝️ It might lower the value quite a bit, or increase it ! Some might think it's a Jackson Pollock piece

just make sure you have on gas mask during the viewings

Thanks for the advice - I think I will wear it just in case

yeah he'll make you an artwork too if you let him in

Hh She is 15 :) , well that what she is thinking ^_*

I'm sorry I should have asked for your blessings first... I hope you don't mind ? Do you want me to call you grandson now ?

That's granddaughter and I want presents on my birthday. Thanks Gramps.

Alright granddaughter ! Any present you want ! Well preferably under 10 dollars

Hi granddaughter haha if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

I missed this somehow. I just upvoted now. I hope it's not too late.

Perfect timing ! Thanks !

confidence is key


And I'm munching on salad.

brilliant...had to stop & have a 2nd look at that one

faux crisps are all the rage these days

Stick to plausible deniability.


She looked old enough

i think in some countries the age of consent is 12
but you still shouldn't be fucking your daughter idikuci

Err...that's so pedo-@steemnsfw

He wanted to do an NSFW one, I had to stop him. Hence he only has 2 comments in this post... He started to get a little too excided hold tight to that chain itchy, don't let the beast out

She's 29 going on 90

At least, she has life experience to bring to the table.

Hahahah holy shit-dogs that more like going from 29 to evil-dead !

brave napalm survivor

Haha but I'm one of your biggest fan

now all the real age comes out...haha

fan of 72 years

Wow I was not expecting that at all.

She is not, but she is trying to pretend as young. Not a bad idea isn't it?


You're never too old to use some rubber

29 or 99 Doesn't matter as long as you can Still Stretch it!

Stretch of course, but whether it comes back that's another story.

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