I Want Brownie Points

in #funny7 years ago

Her reaction when you remembered your wife's birthday only because facebook reminded you but you want credit for it anyway


There's no such thing as brownie pointsit's all an elaborate lie with the wife/girlfriend/woman

And if there is, it's not redeemable, everlike bitconnect


i love that bitconnect guy
he reminds me of those deluded idiots at the start of every season of american idol
its the only part of the show i enjoy

yeah but you got to admit their enthusiasm followed by their epic fail is entertaining like monkeys 🐒 humping a stoned cat

Her reaction when you do remember her birthday but accidentally put your mistresses name on the card!

what do you take me for a drooling idiot?
I went out of my way to find a mistress who shares the same name to avoid this situation

I hope they share the same birthday too.

Teach me your ways Traf teach me

dead man walking

I am finished...my mistress is hotter anyway!

That's the challenge, sometimes it's about the effort not the certainty of the recognition.

Don't ask me to explain why, being married is a big mystery......best keep it that way


ya, i waste too much energy trying to understand or tricking or roofieing them

Set a reminder for yourself, 1 week before, 2 days before, 1 day before, every few hours before. The extra effort should count for something.

And if that doesn't work, go old school

i set a reminder 364 days in advance if it helps

You young fool....good effort

One day i came home from office and asked my wife ''why you wore new dress ??''

It was her birthday..which i forgot.

her hair turns red when she gets mad

I don't wait for my partner to remember, I just throw my own birthday party

He has no choice but to participate


well that does seem impressive! we've been going about it all wrong all this time

You should try it, throw your own birthday party and have her clean up afterwards.

why do i get the impression that someone swings here?

Yes, I love to swing, though I'm not very good at it.


You actually get a clap? When I do something nice for one of the girls in class it feels like nada!

Yeah, that's the apathic look - 'what is this, you peasant' stare down that I get


it's hard for them to react when you're invisible in their eyes

Simple explanation. They have no idea who you are and are trying to process if this stranger has a ducktape in the bag and a van parked outside.

It's true, I really don't even bother remembering their names (even though we've been in the same class for a year now)....look I took decimals and fractions in math so I know my numbers, that how I identify each of them.... 6&half, 7.8, 8&2/5...no two are alike.

Forget about the brownie points even if you remembered her birthday she will definitely find the reason to fight with you. Just Concentrate on cake, don't let your dumb children eat more than you.

yeah not wasting calories on those idiots
need the energy to fight with the wife

It doesn't work, that's why we called them wives and that's why they call us husbands!

It's a common issue men forget b'dys, and it's a common issue women angry whatever we did.
Marry once, you will understand what I said :D


is there a mode to get another face?

Yeah, if I ask another question, you can see this mode too lol :D


I used to look forward to birthdays until my husband came up with the bright idea of doing a birthday dance

Now I hit the drinks hard and hope he forgets

If he doesn't, at least, I'll be too drunk to remember anything

gif source: 1, 2

might have been his plan all along

You might be right...the bastards been playing me all along.

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