Err...Yes...Yes I am...

in #funny6 years ago

When you meet a woman who's all like: 'it's really quite simple, if you believe in equality between men and women, then you're a feminist, are you a fucking feminist or not?'


I'm all for more women in all career fields! We need more women construction workers, there's a huge diversity problem there!

only the hot ones though

Lumber jacks too

Feminist theory.

yeah but we nod along because we want to fuck them

I can imagine your wife taking you by the collar, lifting you up and asking if you're a feminist?
then she puts you down and you ask for her credit cards
Trafalgar takes a hiatus from steemit

I desperately gesture to my friends 'haven't I been a feminist all this time? tell her guys'
they all murmur yes

Other hand on the crotch

This is how I feel I am dealing with feminism :D

But in reality it's better shake my head and stay alive lol :D


fat jackie chan knows how to fist bitches

Cunt Punch!

That's when you know you should have swiped right

i had my phone upside down

It depends on who said that. If she has big boobs, I agree with her.

Yes, I'm feminist.

what were we talking about again?

Definitely A Feminist!!

That reaction. Hahahah

Feminist me a little, I enjoy booby hugs and stuff :P

Yes, I'm a female... sorry feminist,
I agree, can I have you number now..

very smooth

Wow fantastic funny...I really liked appreciate meme

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