Behind Your Boss's Back

in #funny6 years ago

The moment your boss turns around after telling a joke

gif from giphy


My boss is so humorless, I can't even move him with my "this vacuum sucks" routine. My bathroom penis grafitti isn't having the desired effect either.

try combining the two by turning up to work with a hoover over your cock

My boss is friendly...he is good to be with. Most times he cracks the jokes just to put away with the bossy environment

It hurts my soul , but its better for the performance appraisal.
Pretty sure his only criteria is
Laughed at my sucky joke - Tick

didn't know you worked for me

tries to figure out if she should laugh or cry

All that grovelling reminds me I need new kneepads

hmm, you sure that's because of grovelling?

Atleast the boss can choose when to stop laughing, while you have to pray for him to turn around before you dislocate the jaw using your fake smile

damn, going by these gifs, there were plenty of better options i could have used lol

Hehe it's easy to spend a lot of time on there as one giphy leads you to the next and in the end you forgot what you were actually looking for

I am still laughing.
I am fillowing you. Hope I can enjoy your gif.

Glad you liked it

Hahahahaha @traf you won't kill me with laughter...

Sometimes one just has to laugh at a joke that isn't funny just to make the other person feel good. I experience this alot in my office when my boss cracks some dry jokes he feels is funny. As employees we just have to laugh so as not to look like sadists. Not laughing can cost you your job around here though so u just have to laugh (lolzz)

Lol, "Oh yeah, cool anecdote boss" only you can tell the boss, then you'll think "What nonsense!" ha ha ha :D

ya exactly
tho I'm pretty sure it applies to whales on steemit too hmmm...

ha ha, lol

Lol... And if he quickly turns around and sees you with a straight face

You'll be getting:

Start submitting your CVs elsewhere

gif from tenor

still prefer this dickhead to trump any day

Lol I never had a boss so I didn't know that feeling :D but I can give you fake HAHAHA's whenever you want traf

that all I ask for

I like to hear the sounds of laughter as I leave the scene.


ya sometimes we forget they can still hear when they turn away

Really so funny meme @truf 😹😹😹

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