At The Risk Of Jinxing It Again ^_^

in #funny6 years ago

When all the other cryptos are in the red but Steem is going strong

gif from giphy


I was doing a little happy dance earlier in the day...
And then I realized it will take me 13 weeks to cash out

by that time we could be $10!!
nah we'll barely be clinging on as usual


Oh shit dude, it's happening again. Look no more GREEN! Oh man I hate your prediction. But at one "Plus Point" I like your crypto discussions :D!

If STEEM drops, I could buy more STEEM via SBD :D
I have learnt few trick through you. Specially collect SP, collect SP, collect SP. This might be a worthy investment in 2020


yep, this is exactly what's happening!
my predictions never fail to fail!

When we need to know about market drops :D


you are right boss..and amazing funny post @Traf

Thanks for you sir

Right boss amazing post

Thanks for you

Very beautiful funny...

Steem is pumping because of this... Soon market will turn in green and steem into red...but during this time steem got some highlight..


ah that's right another exchange
these pumps never last

Thank for you

Lol, when someone asks me how steem is going lately.


spoke too soon again
down the crapper we go
oh wellz

Lol. We will do everything, the main thing is the victorious dance.

gotta save it for another day
we're going down to shit again, brace yourselves

Thanks for you sir

Steem just needs a little magic and maybe a new slogan. Dash is digital cash, Bitcoin is like digital gold. Litecoin is the silver to Bitcoin's gold.

"Steem rises"

'like from your shit on a cold day'

Thank for you sir,,

Take your thing, says steem to me no one wins me I'm a real monster

Thank for you

Thanks for you

Thanks for you

Sock my d..k bitcoin, now who's in the bubble

More polite to dance like this ..

Thank for you sir,,

Thank for you,,

Thank for you sir,,

Thank for you sir,,

Thank for you sir,,

hahaha.amazing funny post @Traf

hahaha very beautiful funny...

Thanks for you..

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66625.38
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.89