Down We Go

in #funny6 years ago

How I imagine what it's like to be flushed down the toilet, just like Steem price

gif from giphy


Hahahaha, we are still going down like a fallen star $0.77

Seriously dude, STEEM seems drastically failed in last few months!

Traffy, I don't think sh!t at toilet might go down faster like STEEM do lol :D


check the reply made on my main
if people will never get it, this can never be fixed
anyone who thinks this is predominantly a cultural problem has no grasp of economics and reality

"anyone who thinks this is predominantly a cultural problem has no grasp of economics and reality"

Can you consider the elitist tone in this blanket finger point in the other direction? Life isn't all math and math isn't the only way to manifest intelligence. It can be argued in both directions if one is willing to put economics out of the forefront of the basis and rationalization for every action or inaction.

steem's economics need fixing

when you build an economic system, you assume everyone taking maximum advantage of it at the individual level. If this leads to a flourishing system, it works, if it leads to a decaying system, it doesn't.

linear + low curation rewards content indifferent voting. be it vote selling or self voting. few large stakeholders can afford to spend $50-$100 every time they want to vote on something that they actually think is good, because that's effectively what it costs them.

an economic system that relies on philanthropy is one that's doomed to fail. too many ppl don't get this, nor do they understand how easy it is to actually fix it.

n^1.3 curve (crude approx is fine for implementation), 10% seperate downvote pool, 50% curation.

this way, if you self vote or sell votes, you'll likely just be out competed by people who vote on good content.

you don't ask people to be more generous. very few larger investors are here to give their money away. the idea is to align profit maximization behavior with actions that actually builds value for the system rather than undermines it.

While this uphill topic sucks, I appreciate the discussion. As fruitless as it is, I'm trying to spark change on behalf of many I've spoken with who've been lulled into apathy and avoiding conflict, or quitting.

You largely ignore my contributions these days, so I can only go up from here. It's all about respect to me and I'm trying to do what I can to help others. If you can't respect this, then there's no practical need to read on. This isn't intended to be a battle of wits or swinging the biggest dick around. I'm a minnow here as a choice.

I'm venting because it's hard not to see this activity every 3 hours and have it erode my experience on Steemit. It makes me want to quit Steemit nearly every time I log in. Most of my activity and interest is in the comedy niche, so there's no avoiding it.

Yes, I also ride your DS curation trail as of late because that's my passive way of supporting you without seeing as much lopsided economics that have people conditioned to be thrilled for a possible 1-4% if they're lucky. That isn't something I feel good being involved in when others have gotten used to thinking it's a gift from the gods to get the bare minimum. I see the reality that they're a vehicle to reply to and self vote at day 6. That takes the funny out of everything.

While there's nothing I could ever say to convince you that people like me and others you've developed rapport with are worth more as individuals in this microcosm, I want to at least be heard in stressing that sheep emulate what they see, and the problem compounds. The decay you alluded to spreads and accelerates, killing adoption as new users have no desire to waste their time when meaningful rewards are being hoarded in bunkers.

Generally speaking, reasons come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be clouding to rational judgment at times when significant money is involved. Hoarding is an unhealthy obsession. To most, it feels good to give and bring people happiness. There's often more value in that than receiving the benefits of one's own SP to the maximum amount allowed by the design of this platform. I'm also sure you know that gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse. I'm immune.

Intelligence comes in many forms. Claiming that anyone who believes this is predominately a cultural problem "has no grasp of economics or reality", shows how different people can think. No high horse necessary here. However much self-certainly one can have, it doesn't mean they're right. My ex was a schizo, so I'm a black belt at knowing how powerful self-belief is. Anyway, your claim above can be said in reverse with just as much clout and/or relevance. Whether one shuts that reality out or not is not up to me.

People fuel the economy. People are the economy. People need to engage the economy for it to be successful, arguably in close weight to the math behind it. We can debate the chicken or the egg until Steem is worthless or priceless. It doesn't matter. There's some common sense to consider outside of calcified impressions.

"Self-interest to take maximum advantage at an individual level" - tada! If everyone does this, what good is 100 people holding a ton of Steem when no one else will realistically want or need it? The value comes from people engaging with it and using it for a variety of purposes. Exchanging it. Spending it. Earning it. All equally vital.

It means nothing to you, but this behavior stopped me from putting a major investment into Steem last year when I was 3 clicks away from doing it. If that's me, an avid daily user and former diehard believer, I can't imagine others with far larger investments and businesses would be so inclined when they see the gaming under ever stone they turn.

Lastly, voting in a system designed to give and receive votes isn't a "cost" to onself unless one has convinced themself that it is. That alone is such a troubling thought process, but all I can do is hope you'd consider seeing it in virtually any other way. I'm not asking you to be more generous. I've only alluded that you do the right thing and promote growth.

Aside from n^x and xyx reasons/excuses/logic whatever, the true economics of Steemit is in the full circle of the people you reward for merit and their engagement paying you pack with their compounding Steem Power (and more followers) for years to come... I'm sure you've done the math on that though.

Thanks for your time if you read through it.

It doesn't help that a large % of Steem is hoarded and primarily used for self-insulation to suffocate adoption and new Steem buyers. So much good and philanthropy is possible to come back full circle could be done if it wasn't 99 dollars for them and 1 dollar for us. It's a terrible example to set for others. This behavior conditions people, by decision, to accept the bread crumbs, but not everyone is that stupid.

People point fingers at the system, but that doesn't mean we all need to accept their rationalizations. I want to flush mine down the toilet too for this toxic behavior, and specifically haven't bought any Steem because of how widespread and upsetting this problem is. I want to quit Steemit every day versus promote it and get more people using it because the economics majority of significant stakeholders don't give a sh!t about much other than themselves, and have gotten good at ignoring or muting anyone who has the balls to have a spine about the issue. Blaming the ship is wrong. The passengers are the issue.

There's a fitting line in an old Green Day song "When masturbation's lost its fun". That's my only hope with this platform, that people will eventually wake the F up and realize there's infinite potential and value to infuse into Steem/Steemit when SP obsession and hoarding power for self-voting across multiple accounts fades away. However, I doubt it will.

I agree, I already stopped blaming the system and also to the passengers! I am trying to adopt myself to this ship! Probably hard to do, but yeah trying to follow what Traffy do!


haha, well we could sure use that here on steem

I think the toilet would be a more peaceful demise.

more dignified at least

Because of the butterfly effect, he just created a typhoon that wipes out a coastal city in 10,000 years

i think it's all these typhoons that cause butterflies to flap their wings actually

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