Thank you Yahoo ad for validating my life long financial strategy!

in #funny8 years ago

Thanks to Yahoo I finally get why the Joker did this.

Something just popped up in my Yahoo feed. Why do I still go to Yahoo at all? I have no idea. I am clearly an idiot who has formed a really really really bad habit.

Here it is.

Screen Shot 2017-03-11 at 9.50.50 AM.png

This dude just figured this out now? And he's a millionaire? He is so screwed. Do you know how long it is going to take to get rid of one million dollars? Damn.

I have been following this plan since my freshman year of college.

I would get some cash and would be like "Oh crap! I have cash! I have to get rid of this ASAP!"

Then I would go to a bar and get rid of it as fast as possible. You see, I don't even like beer. But buying 6 pitchers of it seemed like the fastest way to get that nasty stuff away from me.

Actually it was the second fastest. College itself was clearly the fastest. That is why I paid thousands and thousands of dollars to enroll in classes that I would just skip anyway because I was too busy recovering from the previous night's efforts to escape from the overwhelming burden of having too much cash.

Cool I have class in 8 minutes. I will definitely have to pay to take this one over again. Mission accomplished!

After getting rid of as much cash as I could during college, I found a job so I could bring in more of that filthy currency. But with so much coming in, I had to find more efficient ways to get rid of it. So I rented an apartment that was way too expensive for what it was. Then I filled it with crap that I (or no-one) really needed.

Then I bought a fancier car than I needed. It also used a ton of gas so that was another fine way to rid myself of the evil dough.

Still not satisfied with my efforts to escape from the amount of cash I was accumulating, I found a girlfriend.

I thought I had hit the jackpot! Oh no. Not the jackpot. Jackpot would bring in more of that horrible cash. Let's say I thought I had found the absolute best way to piss away tons of money.

But I was wrong.

Paying for a wedding. Now that's the ticket. Not only did I get rid of all of my money, but I actually went into debt so I wouldn't have to worry about escaping from cash for quite a while.

They ordered a Champaign fountain, steak and lobster.

Then you know what the jerks who came to my wedding did? The gave us more freaking money! What jackasses.

We got more and more scared of all of the cash we had. We didn't know what to do.

So we had kids.

That did it.

We never have to worry about that nasty cash again.

If I ever get worried that I have too much, I can always take them to Disney World.

My hero! It is so kind of him to start a place that will take all of that terrible cash off of my hands.


Welcome to Steemit! You're funny, I'll follow you so I can give you more of that terrible cash through upvotes :-)

Thanks! Disney World here we come!

If you earn too much, I know two other people you can invite to Disney World!

So you are better than me at getting rid of that gross stuff huh? Congratulations!

The more the merrier! We will take a steemit field trip.

Thank you! I shall send in my application tomorrow :D

Great idea! You know, if you offer to pay for everyone's flight tickets, you might get yourself into such a debt, that you'll sleep easy for the rest of the year!

You are brilliant! You should write for Yahoo.

hahahaha !!!!! you are for sure #notsuchregularguy :)

Thanks! I'm just a man on a journey to rid my life of gross things like money.

I just went through the process getting rid of nearly everything what didn't make sense . Money, oh well's just an energy and it has to flow

Nice, I've heard of this problem before. I suppose I should feel fortunate that the stuff stays away from me for the most part.
Good article, I'm resteeming and following!

I know. Count your blessings. I don't know how those poor millionaires sleep at night. The pressure to get out of cash must be killing them . Someone should do something to help them.

I have to apologize; I upvoted your post and now it says it's worth a penny. I wasn't thinking. Remember there is a 'Decline Rewards' feature in case you want to make sure no money comes from these steemit posts, just to be safe!

Thanks a lot! How am I going to get rid of that? Oh that's right I have kids. Every penny I have or will ever have is already spoken for. Dodged that bullet.

I do have that feature here; I think 'all I need is some food, that's it.' I buy some food and the offspring devour it overnight. Rinse, repeat

"Food"? What is that? Is that the tiny stuff on the floor under my table?

Oh, that terrible cash! Thank goodness the government keeps taking mine away.

See they are looking out for the little guy.

You may be a lot of things, but you are surely not regular :)
Thanks for making us laugh! Resteemed
PS: If you need some assistance in burning even more money, just call me. It´s always a pleasure to help people that are in trouble


I think. LOL

It is amazing how welcoming and helpful this community is. So many people have offered to help me with this burden. Thank you all but I am afraid this is just a struggle that I have to take on myself. If I ever stumble, I know where to come for assistance.

I'll find a way to overcome. Perhaps like this.

Haha, yeah you definitely won´t find these helpful steemy people somewhere else! :-D
If I were you I just wouldn´t show them you´ve got a unicorn, that might call the enviers...

Dang it. I'll have to distract them.

Bring in my Leprechaun!

Curses! I've said too much.

Yip you did. Whatever... just don´t mention the unicorn anymore!

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