What's Your Phobia???

in #funny8 years ago

Yesterday I came across a post on 9gag explaining a phobia I never knew existed but it is something I've had ever since I was little. I tend to have irrational fears of many things. So today I decided to list a few irrational fears that you might have.

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  • Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something
  • Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat

Now yesterday I found out about Thalassophobia. It is the fear of the sea, or fear of being in the open ocean. I do feel like it's not only that. Have you ever had an irrational fear of swimming in the deep side of the pool at night.

Does this image apply to you?
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I'm going to admit that as an adult I still feel uncomfortable swimming when it's dark.

Does this image disturb you?
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Then you might have Thalassophobia.

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This is a pretty funny phobia, probably not to someone who has it but it made me giggle.

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I wonder how many men have this phobia...

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That phobia must suck... I do know a few people who don't have belly buttons... In my mind it would be smarter to fear them...

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Okay clowns freak me out too. I don't think that it's irrational to fear another person hiding their face.

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Another one that made me laugh. People with this phobia probably doesn't use the term for it.

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I wouldn't call it an irrational fear. Some dogs out there are terrifying... Rather safe than sorry.

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I read somewhere that it is the phobia most common in today's youth. Being a youth myself I wouldn't say that I have this phobia. I can leave my phone at home when going out and it doesn't bug me. Only when I don't know where it is I get stressed out a little because I think about how much it will cost to replace it. And ofcourse all my lovely photo's... Speaking of which... backing them up now.

Here are a few that I didn't mention:

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My fear is the fear of being insignificant.

That is a pretty decent fear I think.

Great post and very interesting

I laughed at the duck one too. But totally understand the clown one!

I would most likely attack a clown that got anywhere close to me.

I would probably just inwardly whimper and slowly back away, pretending to be oh, so casually, just happening to be going somewhere else ;-)

I'm the kind of person who makes a scene... I run away screaming... You should see me with mosquitoes (demon spawns from hell) I hide under blankets with insect repelent whenever I see one. It's kinda funny

Thank you for putting a smile on my dial this morning @thegoldencookie Not to laugh at any one who has these but......the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.... :)

I was laughing too... When I saw it I knew I had to add that to my list

This article is very interesting! good work!

Thank you. There are many, many more phobias out there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_phobias

Yeah i know, and some of them are so weird that sound fake. Is an interesting theme

I have an irrational fear of balls traveling through the air in my direction

Great post. I definately have a few of those.

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