Story time: Times Sleeping Got Me In Trouble

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

I love sleep, most people do. It's a fact of life that everyone needs sleep but sometimes sleeping can get you into trouble. I'm not talking about sleeping in class or at work (I must say that my brother and his friend had that down to a fine art though), I'm talking about how sleeping at night got me in trouble on more than once occasion.

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Most people, if not everyone knows of the bathroom dream. For those of you who don't know. This is a dream you have where you wake up, make your way into the bathroom, then when things get good and you start to relax. You realize that you are still in bed. Having this dream as a small kid can be very confusing and upsetting. especially if you have it more than once. This is the first time I got in trouble for sleeping. Although now that I think about it, I must admit that the first time I had that dream, I was an elephant at a party who had to go to the bathroom... in my defense I was only 5. The second time I had that dream (6) I was a human in my dream and it was realistic so... After that I never trusted dream me again. I'm happy to say that even though I have that dream frequently I wake up now every time.

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The second time I got into trouble was around the time I was 9. Suddenly out of nowhere I started to sleep walk. I broke a glass in the kitchen, startling my parents and myself (woke up as I heard the sound). Fortunately it was not a lot of trouble. I was told to clean the floor though...

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Skip a few years. One thing about me is that I heat up pretty well when I'm asleep. During the winter my sister would continuously get in bed with me to heat up. She was not shy of sticking cold feet in places where I would wake up screaming. This was probably her favorite pass time. I was around 12 when the following happened... It was the coldest night during the winter. My sister's boyfriend was over and I was fast asleep by the time he left. My sister who like myself is not the biggest fan of wearing shoes had escorted him outside freezing her feet in the process.
I don't know why she thought it would be a good idea to get in bed with me that night but she did, her entering the room woke me up a little. Then it happened... she put her ice block feet in between my thighs. It was so cold that I started speaking (only I was still asleep)

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In my mind I was saying things like "take your cold feet off me", "stop it, it's cold", "I'm telling mom" however being asleep, this is not what came out of my mouth. Instead I said things like "the house is cold", "Stop it, the house is cold" and when she continued worming her feet to the warmer parts of my skin I dropped a bomb. The P bomb which to Afrikaners is like screaming the C word. This had stopped my sister's reign of terror as the word coming out of my mouth shocked her and made her remove her feet. My mother in the other room heard it and the next day I got lecture of my life.

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I never outgrew talking in my sleep and unfortunately I make clear sense. This brings me to the last time sleeping got me into trouble. It happened 2 weeks ago. Daniel and I were in bed, Daniel being a semi insomniac had been struggling to fall asleep the previous couple of nights and that night wasn't any different. He was finally falling asleep when I started talking in my sleep, asking him if he was awake. He woke up from his daze and answered me with a yes. Apparently I started a conversation with him but every time he would be in a middle of a sentence I would ask him again if he was asleep. (Daniel's one pet peeve is being asked the same question over and over again. He hates repeating himself). During the course of this I was fast asleep and do not recall talking to him. It was only when he became really irked and had a hard tone to his voice that I woke up. He was saying something I couldn't understand (probably because he was half way through a sentence) when I asked him if he was awake... (I'm still laughing because of this)

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Daniel had enough and mumbled something I couldn't hear. (He also talks in his sleep) Again I asked if he was awake. Loudly he said yes and was obviously very upset with me for asking. I was very confused and asked him why he was upset. He told me that I had asked him that question every time he tried talking to me. That on more than one occasion he had asked me if I was awake to which I answered yes and that asking him 15 times if he was awake was getting him annoyed... I started laughing because I knew I was asleep and informed him of this. This seemed to have upset him more because over an hour I had kept him awake in my sleep.

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Have there been times that you got into trouble because of sleep? Tell me about it.

Till next time


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