A Little Comedy About The Wall

in #funny8 years ago

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“You can build walls all the way to the sky and I will find a way to fly above them. You can try to pin me down with a hundred thousand arms, but I will find a way to resist. And there are many of us out there, more than you think. People who refuse to stop believing. People who refuse to come to earth. People who love in a world without walls, people who love into hate, into refusal, against hope, and without fear. I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.” ― Lauren Oliver, Delirium

Imagine this :

The almost 11 million immigrants illegally living in the United States are now being deported, millions of families shattered, business owners nation-wide are now in dire need for workers to fill jobs that nobody wants to do.
Knocking door to door in the middle of the night is the new norm, hauling families into buses under the incredulous eyes of the international community... Nothing screams greatness than the painful tears of a million heartbroken children torn apart from their families.

This is not what I’ve signed for, said a few cops

One False Move Zimbabwe

California, the breadbasket of America took the worst hit of all. The new immigration policies were devastating to the farm industry due to its high dependability on the shadow workforce of undocumented Mexicans.

As it turns out, farms don’t produce food on their own, but who could’ve seen that one coming?

Food prices immediately spiked and economists inevitably started drawing comparisons with Rhodesia and how Mugabe’s polarizing policies collapsed the agriculture sector and led to hyperinflation.

Tell me if this rings a bell:

A racially motivated strongman thought that it was a good idea to banish the discriminated minority who had a long tradition of working the land and replace them with war veterans who had little to no experience in farming. How did the story end?

Can you put Rhodesia on the map? Exactly.

In the middle of the chaos the wall is being build, allegedly to impede those recently deported immigrants from ever coming back. Who is going to pay for it? According to Trump it’s Mexico.

Well, thanks Mexico! You're a good sport.

"I will build the wall and Mexico's going to payfor it and they will be happy to for it.” – Donald Trump.

Yeah right, because that’s what people do, they get happy when you ask them to pay for things that they don’t want.

Mexico naturally refused to pay for the wall as they have been assuring all along.

Which takes us to the next promise, where Donald is assuring that the illegal immigrants would pay for it in case the Government of Mexico declines to do so.

Again, because illegal immigrants are notorious for bailing out the very countries they just escaped, especially after deporting them.

So who’s gonna pay for it? Those who always were going to pay for it, those we all knew were going to pay for it, the tax-payers.

You see that wall needs to be built, because lest we forget, if Donald Trump is anything it’s a developer, quite an ingenious one actually, otherwise just look at some of his past adventures with eminent domain.

Hint: It involves trying to kick old ladies out of their homes to make a personal gain. Luckily the court ruled in favor the lady in question and her neighbors.

I Know What You Built Last Summer

Fast forward a little bit, the wall is at present built, it’s called the “Trump Wall”- in case you were worried some ego issues might be involved.

Finally the day has arrived and Donald Trump is finally able to tell the public that Mexicans can no longer cross through the southern border.

If only someone had told him that Canada was lifting all visa restrictions from Mexican citizens.
Now they could cross over from the North just as easily if not easier, if they really wanted to.

We’re gotta need another wall!

Yeah, right! And while at it, why not crash trade with Canada too?

First agriculture took a hit, then trade with the biggest business partners, not to talk about the billions in expenses... and then you thought xenophobia comes cheap.

John Oliver was right, should’ve gone with the waffle.

*“Common America, let’s ask ourselves which kind of country do we want to wake up to? One that spends billions on an impossible, impractical symbol of fear, or one that smells like breakfast?” – John Oliver.

The wall is now completely useless and all that spending was for nothing, a significant loss to each of the parties involved.

Except from the developer of course, he made the deal of his life. If only he could write a book about it, and maybe call it The Art Of The Deal as a warning for people not to fall for the same.

This sentence has probably never been so suitable but the writing was literally on the wall.

Disclaimer: This is just comedy, and I hope you guys take it as such. If this is too offensive please let me know, and I’ll slow down on the political comedy. I will start writing about different subjects as well. I love this platform, the readers and I appreciate your comments and thoughts. I am open to suggestions and I only aspire to provide some value entertaining you.


I think we should post things like this, if we can all discuss these things in a mature manner without being rude and resorting to name calling.

If we completely open, or completely close all our borders, the changes will benefit some and hurt others, just like every other policy the government enacts. Even when done with the best of intentions, there are always unintended consequences.

If the government fights among themselves and gets nothing done, people will complain. If the government actually passes laws and makes decisions, some people will Monday-morning-quarterback and complain.

As long as all the complaining is done in a respectful manner, I'm all for having the discussion!

I know Kenny, and thank you for you comment!

I have a dilemma which is steemit is in the first stages, and I for one, would't want to alienate people who are with different ideologies, I wanna see it grow like Medium first, and then bigger, and the market decides, if it stays just in the crypto-world I think it's not ideal, I think,but I could be wrong. In fact I'm working on a show that introduces people slowly to the blockchain and everything voluntary, it's like Friends or Seinfeld, but a modern version with an alien in it. Much funnier than anything I posted so far, you'll see, I'll start posting the episodes here in due time.

My concern here, was if I should tone down the political comedy, or not. So I'm very thankful for your answer Kenny.

Anyways, I'll start posting about different topics as well, also aiming to provide value to the community.

I see you have taken the bait fed to you by the liberal (foreign) comedian, and swallowed the hook, line, and sinker too.
The fact that he can smile and hop around and convince you in 10 minutes that border security is a joke, and we shouldn't protect our country or citizens from invading criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists, and that these invaders shouldn't be treated any different, is kind of funny. He does use all the right comedic words, and call 'the orange one' out on his political stump speeches, and makes exasperated faces while labeling everyone who might disagree a racist xenophobe.
But it's only funny until you realize that he was paid to produce that propaganda, and it worked quite well on lots of people that won't look deeper into the issues to understand what's really going on. Any research into the subjects he made you laugh about turns serious very quickly, if you can only see past the funny man waving his hands as a distraction.


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