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RE: The 13 Stages Of Putting Kids To Bed (Told In GIFs)

in #funny7 years ago

Psh, I don't have any kids yet, I'm just, as odd as it is, a male au-pair and babysit a lot, so I have had literally thousands of hours with kids in the last few years easily.
So I don't know the cock-blocker feel I suppose, to be honest sometimes it's nice to not simply be alone when you're going to sleep or wake up, so I don't mind. I'd imagine it'd be madly annoying though especially because it's usually an every night thing if it happens.
I slept with my mother in her bed with my father till I was like 11 though, so my father always got #nothing and she always just cuddled me.

There was one night I had a bad night, just one. I was putting a baby/young-toddler to bed and little did I know they didn't play all day (as I was babysitting while the parents went to a movie and dinner) and thus she didn't want to go to sleep.
Solved it easily by simply giving up, opening the closet door where a small light was, and playing on the carpet for like 15-30minutes, and then bam, asleep in minutes.

I did as well, usually I'm not into gifs and funny things, but yours has striked me with a different light for some reason :)


I can say, every baby sitter we have says the kids are angels, but there are moments when we try to put them to bed. You sound like you are good at your job. That is funny about your dad. haha, I feel bad for him. I know it's like clock work with my daughter. She doesn't come in when my wife has a headache lol

I promise you they up it a little. Shockingly enough there's no better way to have good kids when babysitting than to have the kids back. If you tell on them, especially for something minor, they'll get you back, let it slide and they'll listen and treat you well :^)
Just last night when I was babysitting one of the kids grabbed a phone and started playing a game on it in his room, even though he isn't supposed to use it that late, and I told him he can't be on it for more than a minute or two because his parents may be home in a few minutes, a minute or two later I walk in and warn him of their impending arrival, I hear one of their voices, he shuts it off, and good for him he was saved by literally 1.5seconds.
It's all about building that mutual trust and solidarity where they know you aren't just fucking with them to spite them.
Honestly there's no job I'd prefer more. I don't need tons of money and I'm good with spending basically nothing, it's fun, and it keeps me active and doing things. Thank goodness I like/don't-mind kid-things as if not I'd be slaving at a grocery store probably. [shivvers] ewwwh!

I mean every night with my father too, I would literally not even go to my bed, I'd just go to bed directly with my mother. Every single night. Absolutely #Shredded if you ask me.

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