So These Two Guys Walked Into A Bar...And Got Shut Down

in #funny7 years ago

Let me back up just a little bit to give you some background for the funniest thing that happened the other day. My boyfriend and I decided to go to the local bar to watch the hockey game and have a beer, after all, it is a Saturday night in Canada. We sat up at the bar and eventually two males took the seats on the other side of me and my social awareness kicked in too see if some funny stuff would end up happening.

As we watched the game I had to listen to the yelling back and forth about how our hockey team should be playing and I honestly just wanted to ask them why they weren't coaching if they were so intelligent on the matter. Instead I noticed the fellow next to me continue to take out his phone in plain view and text a few words back to someone who was typing paragraphs to him at a time. The number did not have a name. This all implied to me that it was most likely a girl given the message length, no name, and that every message he got, he would show his buddy laughing so hard at it.

I told my boyfriend that I was currently sitting by two f-boys up to no good and I was excited to see where it went.

In the third period of the game, the guy next to me ordered four shots and asked two of them to be sent over to the two girls sitting at the end of the bar. These two girls were fully engaged in conversation and having supper together. They received the shots and were most likely not interested in straight Jack Daniels, so they just ignored them. The guys waited for a thank you and to drink the shot, but the girls were not having it. Some time passed and they had still not drank their shots, so he called the bartender over and asked him if he could get his shots back. The bartender declined to go get his shots back for him.

Being turned down by the bartender must have hurt. But this guy could not take the immense disgrace to his manliness. So he walked up to the two girls and took his shots back from them. His buddy and him drank the shots then quickly asked for the bill and left with their tails between their legs.

By this time my boyfriend had become just as engulfed as I had in this amusing episode beside us. When they left all I could say to my boyfriend was "what do you call a shot that you took back from a girl? A Shut Down Shot?"


Go In A Good Way - @teggit

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