I was only eating a little bit of Chocolate...

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

I'm very Disciplined, eating a little bit, ideal weight, now I will show You. Go, let's see how ideal is my weight. Ok, I go on the libra and....Uuh, this libra is surely broken as it shows wrong kilos. 10 More than what it should be...

Gif source: Tenor

Conclusion: Even libras can be wrong sometimes.


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What! Libras are never wrong... Surely ;0)

Libras like horoscope or libras for weight ?

My weight libra was in one period of my life, very wrong every day...As far as other Libra, I'm double Libra...I guess we are on the same side...

Hehe, yes, I thought horoscope!

Hehe so cute arguments dear baby.
Good morning dear mam.

Really funny what's the girl trying to check through from behind. I guess cr7 😂 not her weight really.

I don't have a clue...

This is very funny the kid walk majestically to the weight gauge and look at his weight as if he understand what is shown. 😀😀

Hay @tatjanastan, conmigo las libras no se equivocan jajaja.. El peso siempre me dice la verdad,

Hola, a ese niño deberían darle un premio a la gran actuación ja ja. Pero es cierto a veces ponemos nuestra confianza en cosas que aparentemente son infalibles, como la tecnología sin embargo la realidad muestra que hasta esas cosas pueden fallar. El único que es infalible y digno de toda confianza es nuestro creador. Saludos.

if you feel good and healthy it doens't matter :)

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