Successful Nerds are Killing Us. Seriously*

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

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Once there were two Johns living in the same village. When people would reference them there was confusion over which was which. John the baker or John the butcher? Pretty soon, it became John Baker and John Butcher. The surname was born. True story* .( * will mean, probably not factually correct but you get the general point).

Smith, Potter, Mason, Tailor, Weaver, Webber, Thatcher, Slater, Miller, Baker, Spicer, Cook, Fisher, Shepherd, Carter, Skinner and Gardener... These are (or were) professions and as you probably realise, surnames also. They were passed down and traditionally, from the male side of the family tree. This makes sense that professions were used as identifiers and why males passed the names as illustrated by this historical story*.

In the 1200s, Attractive Mary walked into a pub. She got talking to John and he bought her a drink. She liked the look of his strong frame but was unsure if he was the right kind of person with which to have kids as she couldn't have a job and needed a provider. She asked John what he did and he replied he was a butcher. Score! A professional and one that has the perk of bringing home money AND fresh meat. They got married and had kids. Their sons as was the custom, followed in their fathers footsteps. Jack, Frank and John Jr. Butcher took over the business, went to the same pub, found attractive wives and had butcher children themselves.

This is the way of the world*

Good providers were at a premium and were sought after as mates by women that were not allowed to work. At the time, most professional jobs required physical skills. Weaver, Thatcher, Shepherd etc. These jobs and therefore names commanded respect because they were important positions in society and in limited supply.

These days, it isn't in the manual labour jobs where the best providers* are found. The financial providers are in the whitecollar desk jobs. They are engineers and tech entrepreneurs. Managers and lecturers. For their jobs, mental skill is the priority, not physical.

In 1200, Attractive Mary probably wouldn't be interested in Dexter Engineer and as a result Dexter didn't get the prettiest bride* but the one he did marry may have been equally as smart as she had to survive in a world where her beauty would not be enough to secure a provider.

This meant that there were physically weaker smart people, and physically stronger dumb people*.

For a long time the physical prowess of the professionals had the upper hand. But slowly, the intelligence of the weak began to show. First they took over operations that were more suited to them like accounting and sales. Then they started the banks to manage the money. After, they developed new machinery that needed to be bought. They loaned the money to the strong to buy the new machines and they became indebted to the smart. Soon the smart invented tools and machines that made the strong largely redundant but still indebted. So the strong took jobs working the new tools now owned by the weak to pay off debts and purchase whatever they were slaving away each day making.

The smart sat up in the office watching the strong work and counting the money. At the end of the day, the weak would go to a fancy pub and buy a drink for an Attractive Mary and have kids that are intelligent but physically weaker. But as Attractive Mary is not necessarily Intelligent Attractive Mary, in time there may be both weaker and stupider offspring that have access to the resources gathered by past generations.

Because they are physically weaker but have resources, they create entertainment that they can partake in. Previously this may have been sports activities but now due to their physical incapabilities it is technology based. This will in turn lead to high value demand for such technology and therefore create increased wealth for developers. This will make them very attractive and they will command the best mates who will in time again further weaken the physical genetics.*

Because of this, new tech will be invented to cope with the lack of strength further degrading physicality. The new tech will come with augmented reality aspects that will make people feel that they have body strength but not actually create it. Further weakening.

In the end, the tech will become so advanced that humans will become no more than brains in a jar wired into a virtual reality that allows them to feel like they are inhabiting a body that doesn't actually exist. All roads lead to us enslaved in the Matrix.

The moral of this story is. Nerds are evil.* It is scientifically proven through genetics*

Now, this is of course nonsense* and has several holes but think for a moment. Humans have two general skillsets. Physical and mental. With industrialisation, we have moved rapidly away from manual tasks and these jobs moved into less physical, more mental sectors such as tech and service fields. Now, it is time for the mental skillset to shine. But, since humans generally invent to make life easier, bit by bit the inventions will crowd us out of most of the mental arena too. In the past, we could progress (or retreat depending on perspective) into thinking jobs. But, we would now have exhausted our two-trick-pony range and will have nowhere to move on to.

So then what?

[ a Steemit original ]


Fun, well written, engaging, and worthy of a resteem.

Thank you kind sir.

Interesting, but you fall into the trap of relying on stereotypes and generalisations. Intelligence might be partly hereditary, but in no way to the extent that you suggest. You don't comment on the nature be nurture debate at all. This kind of oversimplification has an alluring effect, and we need to be very careful.

It was satire and that is the reason the asterisks (*) were there. It is also likely why the first tag is funny. Without those things you'd be absolutely correct.

This comment is seriously funny* If you think about things long enough they are no longer funny. If you stop thinking the world becomes really funny and you can't stop laughing. Lol. :)

Very well presented and a good read! I wonder what's down the road for us, as a species... will we become the AI we're inventing?

Or will the AI become us? 😊
Glad you enjoyed it. It is a little different from my normal.

Amazing & hugely lucid post for a very nutritious read to chew and have your neurons squeaking with great pleasure and delight. Upvoted & Resteemed!! :)

Thank you. I always enjoy reading your comments. Lots of life in them.

Thank you mate. Your kind reply means a lot to me, since I feel we both must be ancient souls who already met in some exalting & inspiring place eons ago. :)

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