My Cat has an Attitude ... too funny!

in #funny7 years ago

Every morning while I do my early postings on Steemit, my cat Cheju' sits patiently on the edge of my desk. She knows that I will brush her long, fluffy and very furry coat as soon as I am finished. We do this every single day without fail.

This morning I had to finish my weekly card reading and so the morning kinda got away from me. Of course, meanwhile after patiently waiting, she went and took a nap on the sofa. It was close to lunch time, so I went to the kitchen to make my daily wrap. When I returned to my desk, lo and behold Cheju' was in my chair. Now, you have to understand that she has never sat in my desk chair, ever.

I looked at her quizzically, asking her what she was doing in my chair. When I asked her to get down, her ears immediately went back. I picked up my I phone 7 and snapped these pictures. Of course, as cat's often do since they rule the house, refused to budge and decided to make herself more comfortable.

I knew right then that she was giving me an attitude for not remembering to brush her. Now, that in cat language is... I'm not budging till you get on it mom! I just started laughing out loud, as you just gotta love your animals, even when they give you a what for! ;-)

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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She looks like she might be related to Grumpy Cat ? :)

I think you are right about that, she can get an attitude like him... lol

Our cats do the same stuff... sit right where we want to be, refuse to move, lay down in the hallway and become a trip hazard, etc! We love them, though.

I know right, ours are always on the top of the step and refuse to move, or jump up into your seat when they know you are going to finally stop and relax. They feel the vibes and love to mess with us. ;-)

Nice post.

Thank you for stopping by.

These animals are so funny

They are too comical to say the least. I just love my cats.

HaHa! That is Hilarious1

I know right, she let me know I forgot about her.

Cute cat!

Thank you, she is a sweetie

wow...nice i wish i have cat like that...we have cat in our house but a bad cat...they ate our food on the table...

Sometimes cats can be real naughty, they do like to jump up high.

yes maam...i agree...

Thank you, she is a cutie especially with her attitudes. we love her.

-laugh- I knew a guy whose cat would come and climb all over his desk, his keyboard, and even on HIM (like, on his shoulders and head), while he was trying to do things on his computer.

I think cats are pretty jealous. My family had one that used to come and plop down on whatever you were doing (paper, book, game, whatever). Of course, once you're free to pet them, they're nowhere to be seen!

That is a great story @iceflower. I have another cat that is very much like your friends. He follows me all over the gardens, insisting that I pet him. He jumps up on my back if I am bent over and not paying attention to him. Two days ago I was trying to photograph a house wren feeding her babies and he insisted on being petted. I couldn't at the moment so he gave me a big love bite on my toe to let me know he was not happy with me. They are something else, sometimes. lol

Thank you @pepe.maya she was determined that I brush her hair, too funny.

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