BEFORE & AFTER: Trying To Tell Friends & Family About Cryptocurrency, Simpsons Style

in #funny6 years ago (edited)


(no dramatization)

  • Blank faces, head nodding, empty commitments, ignored texts and emails...
  • "...I still don't understand."
  • "Isn't that a bubble or used for drug money?"
  • "I heard it's a scam."
  • "It's too expensive. I'll wait for the prices to come down."
  • "Not now, but maybe later."
  • "You shouldn't care about your crypto so much and be a real man. I need you to be a real man." - the "lovely" EX-girlfriend

AFTER - Hey Matt! Heyyy Matt!! Yo Matt!!

  • Can we meet to talk crypto?
  • Congrats, can you manage my money for me?
  • What's the best coin to buy?
  • What are you doing tonight?

Honestly, I love being able to help people any time, so no complaints at all. I just wish more people listened earlier aside from 2 friends and my Mom.

Preparing for the next phase...

Congrats to those who believed early on and "early enough." Price will always be a crapshoot, but at least many of us are in a good position with limited exposure to see where this all leads.

Sources: 1, 2, 3,4, 5



Man, you totally nailed this.

I've been telling friends about crypto forever now and nothing but your highly accurate memes to show for it.

Now everyone wants to know what's going on. Just spent a couple hours over the weekend helping some friends out. It's been fun to actually be able to talk this stuff with other people I know :)

Apparently it's not just for criminals and geeks any more....

Great work, I really enjoyed this one. Like I say to people that sometimes even get angry while I'm explaining. "Look, I don't care whether you "buy it" or not, and I'm not out to convince you of anything. You may take it or leave it, it's up to you."

I literally just finished a conversation with my landlord in my stairwell about paying for my rent in crypto when he becomes comfortable with it. Thankfully, he's open to the idea once he learns more about it since his cousin is a millionaire from it. Thanks for sharing.

Man, I wish I bought $1000 of bitcoin when I was 11 years old ($100 a btc)! I would be a Steem Whale now!

You could buy a whale.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 59274.49
ETH 2983.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.75