President Donald Trump To Be Impeached -- Serious Charges Could Land The World Leader Behind Bars

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

For days now, the internet has been buzzing with rumours of a Donald Trump impeachment. Online bookmakers were averaging 2/1 odds of the new world leader becoming the third US president to be brought up on charges and forced out of office. Ladbrokes, a UK bookmakers, were even offering 11/10 odds that Donald Trump will be impeached or resign from office before completing his term.

From treasonous Russian dealings to an expected sexual assault in the near future, there were a variety of potential reasons that the people thought it likely Trump would be brought up on charges. Now that the House of Representatives have announced their plans for impeachment, the world is in shock, yet also in agreement of the charges facing the US president.

In a press conference this morning, the majority leader of the House of Representatives, Polly Tishane stated;

We are moving forward with impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump amidst allegations of him being in possession of the shittiest haircut in the known universe. After reviewing the evidence, we have found that the accusations are warranted and we have been left with no option but to press for charges.

When the story broke this morning, many cried fake news due to the outrageous nature of the charges. Never before has a world leader faced prosecution for allegations based purely on aesthetics. Unfortunately for president Trump, the charges against him do not stop at having shitty hair.

An anonymous source has reportedly come forward with information as well as documented evidence that implicates Trump involvement in an abduction and forced-labour plot. If found guilty, the newly elected president could face a minimum of 25 years in prison.

The source claims that they previously worked in the Trump mansion and bore witness to the abduction and imprisonment of a German man named, Rumpelstiltskin. According to the source, Mr. Rumpelstiltskin has been held captive for decades, forced to weave weekly wigs of golden thread for Trump, or face severe punishment.

Whilst the photograph provided by the source(see above) looks entirely legitimate, Trump defenders have decried the image as a fabrication, claiming that modern technology provides the means to falsify an image to such a convincing extent.

The source added:

It's completely immoral. I had the opportunity to get to know Rumpelstiltskin during my time working for Mr. Donald, and I have to say that he is one of the loveliest people I have ever met. Thinking of him trapped in that tiny, tiny dungeon, working for nothing more than one meal a day... It brings a tear to my eye even now.

He was little more than a broken man last I saw him. He lost everything because of that evil man, even his name. Mr. Donald knew his name, I know he did! But he always called him Trumpelstiltskin instead, probably just so he could hear his own name more often-- he loves that.

Former President Barack Obama was the first to comment on the news;

Hahaha. Hahahhahhaa. Oh' Donnie... I knew it..
How did he ever expect to make America great again, when he can't even make his hair okay again..? Not even with a $3.7 billion fortune to work with.
I win.. Hahha. Mhuhahaha.

Former President George W. Bush also weighed in on the fiasco;

I am happy for President Trump. I love peaches. I wish they had impeached me during my turn.. I mean term.. No wait, it is turn right?

Where am I?

News of the impeachment has caused quite a stir in the political world. Questions have been raised on whether such actions should be taken against a leader based solely on the way they choose to wear their hair. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has just scheduled a meeting with his barber for later this afternoon, perhaps in response to the current Trump scandal.

We will keep you updated as the story develops.

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Can't one be impeached just for having tiny, tiny, tiny hands?

HHAHAH Got the best idea :) , America First , Trump's hair second :D Everyone wins and everything is solved , Europe can exit itself from the contest :D

I like having a president who is terrible at coverups.

looool :D can't hide that yes :D btw his hair is real so it's a work of art :)

next socialist that thinks his grate Barack Hussein Obama II was a good president (killed much more people then Busch (women and children) but he is democrat so let dont talk about it... yes). You wont be even able to see all this film because you would be to shocked by amout of numbers and fascts (whit you can check) and after max 5min you will go to you safe space

I saw this one. It was pretty good. The main problem is that marxists are impervious to facts.

I'm not sure how to get them to actually listen to facts. I knew Obama is a stain on humanity before he took office the first time. It's sad that eight years later there are still people who don't see it.

I hope the only thing for which to pick on Trump is aesthetic nonsense. If he saves civilization, I don't care what his hair looks like, or if he even has hands.

Lol. I really love PhotoShop.

the jist of it , 75 million households , free of taxes :)
no death tax, 15% of tax revenue for the working people , that's really the best tax plan :D ,
can't imagine seeing people work their asses off again :) this time for some returns :D

I guess if you add insurance and health care you would get a 30% tax , but that is half corporate and half government so you would be supporting both sectors anyway.

LOL..Okay. You got me on this one. I'm reading the first part and thinking wtf, not another whiny trump post. Then I hit the announcement... :-) You got me.

Lol. That's great.

It was my hope to have people believing the post was legitimate up until the charges were disclosed.

You got me, too. :-P

I thought the first tag might give it away. Perhaps no one really pays attention to that..

Thanks for the laughter! I badly needed it with what I am listening and learning about what is happening right now:

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Never trust a mercenary. Their loyalty is for sale.

Unbelievable that they're openly talking of reviving this project.

Just when I thought I couldn't dislike politicians any more than I already do...

so you did watch it , I guess it's my turn , btw have you seen this post @snowflake is purposing whales to downvote and not upvote so everyone else can actually have their Power mean something :D , the conversation is the idea for me at least.

What he said does sound like communisum

Damn , so Phoenix Program is bomb the shit :|

I just checked out the post and responded to it. Thanks for sharing.

I don't consider it communism at all. Whilst it might bring balance to the voting power of many users, it would still only be good content getting rewarded, not every piece of content.

I haven't watched this yet, nor have I ever heard of the phoenix project. But, the name alone alludes to some type of New World Order/ One World Government type of thing.

I will check it out after I eat.

Glad you were able to get a laugh from my post!

You made my sad day bright, dude.

That's a great comment to read right before I go to bed.

Thanks, and you're welcome.


Should have known.... "hair cut".
@son-of-satire you got us good. :)

Finally... something worthy of your handle/name here. :) Well written.

You're right. I had posted a few satirical pieces when I first joined, but before long became distracted by rediscovered passions and found myself writing much more serious articles and works of fiction.

I felt I had to start living up to this username until a time comes about that I'm able to alter it, so from now on I will be aiming to get one such piece up every week, or every fortnight at the very least.

For a brief moment you had me frowning. I don't have a problem with people impeaching someone for actual actions. Yet there have been people calling for impeachment since before he actually did anything other than speak. Sorry, you can't impeach people for speaking... Though it does seem popular at the moment to protest and riot against free speech. They think free speech means only speech they want to hear.

I was glad once I realized it was satire. At that point it was pretty damn entertaining.

Yes it is ridiculous. The opening paragraphs about the odds of him being impeached were actually factual. You can go put a bet on at 2/1 right now if you wish.

What on Earth is going on with the world today...

I've been calling it backwards world for awhile now...

No Child Left Behind... leaves every child behind
Tell the truth and you are a traitor, be a liar and corrupt and you might rule us all

It very much feels at times like we are living in a mirror world these days.

Stupid is considered "smart"
and smart is considered "stupid"

Assholes are considered nice
Nice people are considered assholes

I have a dormant draft for a post on this subject that I need to revive.

Absolutely. I feel you may enjoy this quote-- it's one of my favourites.

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

Backwards is the correct word I would say.

We hit the posting limit...

Who was that quote from? Seems like something George Carlin would have said.

It was a gentleman named, Michael Ellner.

George Carlin has plenty of brilliant ones too though.

Very funny :D I needed that laugh.

That's why I do this..

I'm very happy it was able to improve your night.

I'm happy so many of you appear to have gotten a laugh out of this.

Often when I am writing something that I consider to be funny, I wonder whether anyone else actually will, because I tend to laugh at just about everything.

I laugh at everything most of the time. You have to!

True story. If you're unable to find humour in this world then you're going to have a very hard time coping.

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