The Unglamorous Truths About Working From Home- (Part 7, Becoming a social recluse)

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

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   Continued:  8 reasons to NOT work at home  

  • I live in organised chaos
  • Sitting for long periods has made my bottom the size of the moon
  • I  walk around leaving jobs half done like some lost mental patient
  • I  have now become a huge fan of Jeremy Kyle- This is no joke it actually happened.
  • No-one else does any house work because apparently that is my job being at home all day
  • The animals create opportunities to distract me from my work at ANY given  opportunity.
  • I  have become a social recluse and I am a midget gem away from creating a  friend out of a football.
  • For  sale sites and Ebay have become the most effective way of spending my earnings……………boom!!


I speak to clients everyday by phone and Skype but when you work from home you have the flexibility to work whatever hours you like and before you know it your cancelling nights out, lunches and catch ups because you stupidly book an appointment you can’t get out of.  The amount of times I have answered the door in my onesie looking like an extra from Hills have eyes, is second to none. I forget to get dressed, even after a shower the old faithful’s come out the drawer. It’s even worse when everyone buys them for me as a Christmas AND birthday present as they understand what a sad individual I have become. Seriously it’s no joke. I have to admit I get lonely. At night when the others come home I fling myself at them asking about their day and get as humanly close as possible (slightly uncomfortable for big kids as you can imagine) 

When they respond in a two word answer, which is normally the case, I feel as though there is a whole world out there and i'm crying for it's attention. Even a trip to the bin is an adventure. I seriously need to get out more, the voices in my head are transferring into objects. I almost had a conversation with a carrot the other day, but that’s another story.     


My wife talks to our cats when she is working at home. No big deal, because I talk to them, too.

Cats... yes i talk to mine all the time....but carrots are a bit odd lol

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