The Unglamorous Truths About Working From Home. (Intro and part 1)

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

The above picture is credited to pixabay, it's not actually my working space, although some erratic days do look abit like this. 

I am very envious of homemakers and women who can turn their hand to anything (and men of course)

I work from home. People appear very envious of this. It would appear I would watch TV all day, do the house work and generally just hang around doing what I like. Most people don’t seem to understand that I ACTUALLY do work from home. It’s not just a saying. If I don’t work I don’t get paid. 

I was employed for 20 years, practically all of my working life, and I have been very lucky to have had good sensible jobs, but it all changed when I decided I wanted to work for myself (OK so being made redundant was an extra push) 

You see I’m not the world’s most organised person, nor do I claim to be the most patient. Two points I may add that really do help when you run your own business. The following is reference for my wonderful friends and acquaintances who feel I am living the life of riley.      

Please take note: I write books (lots to be published yet) and i take Personal Development Appointments (LOA), I run a theatre group and i do quite a lot of blogging. I do actually do stuff where i need to be at home 90 % of my working time. Here are the negatives to working at home. 

8 reasons to NOT work at home  

  • I live in organised chaos
  • Sitting for long periods has made my bottom the size of the moon
  • I  walk around leaving jobs half done like some lost mental patient
  • I  have now become a huge fan of Jeremy Kyle- This is no joke it actually happened.
  • No-one else does any house work because apparently that is my job being at home all day
  • The animals create opportunities to distract me from my work at ANY given  opportunity.
  • I  have become a social recluse and I am a midget gem away from creating a  friend out of a football.
  • For  sale sites and Ebay have become the most effective way of spending my earnings……………boom!!

Point 1: 

ORGANISED CHAOS Going back to lesson number one. I have a little desk in my “office” which is in the box room of my little semi detached which delightfully overlooks the Amazon Jungle, which if you didn’t realise is my back garden. If you look carefully enough you may spot Mowgli looking for Baloo. My office is crammed full of all sorts of both useful and un useful paperwork and I have different files for different things and sometimes I get “lost” both physically and mentally. However everything has an order and everything is in it’s place as I know it. This, I believe, is called organised chaos. I have always tried to make up for my lack of organisation and office tidiness by investing in lots of stationary. I am afraid to say I am a bit of a kleptomaniac with stationary. At my last count I found 42 black pens which is ironic as I could never find one when I need one. I’m the same with diaries and jotters. I get bored with them and like different ones for different things then forget to use both diaries and miss appointments. So pretty books and diaries are a bit pointless really. I am always envious of people who have an array of beautiful stationary. It begs the question as to whether I have a stationary fetish or not!     

Tomorrow i will be bringing in part 2.


Great post. I,m the same as I work from home in our study and hardly come out until the evening, but my wife keeps me watered and fed and she keeps things clean

Ahhh shes a good un! I am the wife and i struggle to uphold the title. My husband is lucky to get fed when he gets home :-)!

Sympathies. Some people think working from home isn't work, so they can drop by whenever they wish. And being a lover of people, you kindly receive them. Nice post.

Yes...yes they do! It's difficult to manage time....i'm still learning 6 years on !

oh and thank you :-)

Good one! I find it extremely important to do some sports when having a steady work for a living. That brings back my energy, I get more creative, and I can adjust to the situation easier :)
About organized chaos... happens to all of us. Every time I clean the room I tell to myself "never again will I make it messy", but it just happens

Yes. i get what you mean about sports, i have to zone off....walk the dog and i do a bit of meditation. It works for me. I need to get running again but i just make excuses haha!

haha I can relate. Great post!

The joys haha! Thank you!

Most of the post could have been me writing it!

Yes i think alot of us suffer the same fate :-)

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