funny story /16

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

On a sunny morning the teacher's invites her students to sing.

Teacher: "Children, let's sing Cut Songs of Ducks Goose!".

Children: "Yes, the teacher's ..."
teacherr: "teacher counts yes children .. one, two, three"

Children: "Cut a goose duck, goose in a cauldron, lady ask for dance, dance four times, shove left, shove right, tralalalalalal ...

Amid their preoccupation singing, suddenly came the principal's teacher.

Headmaster: "How the hell does this teacher, already know the children are still under age, how come Dance Miss Dance, that's her father's business".

teacher : " ???!!!###" image


Could you please explain what's so funny about this, because I haven't got a clue ....

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