funny story/05

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Early in the morning, the uninvolved Bowet was then awakened by his mother to split the messy wood behind his house, the wood being burned by the mother.

But because he was still sleepy pulo a little lazy to do it, finally he called the police with a silly idea in his brain.

(pulo) - good morning sir
(syeh) - good morning there is also something we can help
(pulo) - there is a pack (with a tone ngos-ngosan) so gini sir, I accidentally saw the neighbor was hiding the shabu on the wooden selah-selah, I'm curious I finally make sure it is close and true it sir sir.
syeh - you're sure
pulo - it's pack, even I have pastiin how many times, and it really is a shabu.
syeh - (with a hasty cop and ask for an address) please give your full address
pulo - the address is street-blah blah blah
syeh - well we hurry to the scene.

syeh ": Good afternoon sir, I get the info that this address is nothing other than the father's house hid the shabu with a large scale what is the deed father
Kasut- (while fearing his father's "pulo" answer the police question), baseball sir I am a good person either sir ga may I hide a shabu
syeh ": let me be more clear what I can search the house father,
Shoe- please sir?

Quickly polisipun directly to the back of the house, by the info in the police can.

the atmosphere around the tense, neighbors wondered, polisipun quickly split the wood with the ax to become a small small pieces, but the police did not find a shabu, confusion why there is no sabunya, polisi think this is a funny person job giving info from the origin, Police farewell to his father "pulo"

syeh": sorry sir for our arrival, disrupting the father's break, it is true the father of good people. Together-yes sir I am a good man good sir, I may not do anything illegal Police": okay then I go back to headquarters, this is just a prankster who love infonyaKasut- Good sir, good day sir, good day also sir dont long time "pulo" came

pulo"- pack the wood already finished split into small pieces yes sir, as requested by father, so it's done yes my job pakKakut- meaning" pulo"- yes it was father told me to split the wood up into small pieces, because I lazy I telvon police aja, told me that there is a shabu in the slit of the wooden selahKasut- "so you are nefon policeman" base of bad boy

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