My Vegan Friends Hate Me🥓

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

It’s @frankbacon ‘s Fault

It’s your intentions not who you eat that defines you🥓🥓🥓


Hello @reddust

Now this video got cracked up. When is everyone running away frond the foodies...?

That dog thought...ugly

@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest

Vegans fear bacon but not the dog, the dog loves 🥓

Really!? Wow... Good to know, thanks

Being someone who would die on a Vegan diet...

...this guy has some super spiritual, and very funny, videos.

can we get this dude to steem?

I will send an invite @baah, we need him for our mental health🙏😂

thanks for sharing this, just discovered him/them and we've been listening/watching for 3 hours now :D. He sounds like the perfect fit for steem, talked about wanting to help people.

I went vegan for two years because I’m against factory farming. I finally figured out how to eat meat 🥩 buying directly from local farmers. My immune system didn’t do so good, not enough heme, my body can’t digest plant heme (iron). I also kill my own chickens and my loving Buddhist friends said I’m going to hell....😋 hell is a fearful mind... JP points this out in every video...

The symbiosis between humans and farm animals is a strong one.
I have been told that for a farm animal to die of a death without being part of the food circle is a sad death.

I would like to kill my own chickens. I just need to create the space.
I need about one chicken a weak.
Killing and cleaning one chicken a weak would be ideal for keeping things fresh, but all the setup for just one... Do you have any suggestions? How many at a time do you process?

I hatched about 100 chicks from eggs from my hens every spring, sold the pullets and butchered the roos and had free eggs too...the pullets paid for all my chickens feed...I raised heritage chickens that are in danger of going’s a win/win symbiotic relationship

👍 That's an approach to carnivorism I could embrace. At least theoretically, I still don't think I would be able to kill my chickens. I'm sure I would in a state of dire need (war etc.), but as long as we have enough food, I prefer the chickens running around and giving us eggs. Anyway, your way is good for you (health) as well as much better for the animals and the environment (no factory farming).
PS: And this guy is hilarious. I've been following him on YT. I hope he joins us on Steemit soon. I guess it is just a question of when.

haha! Damn true ^_^ sometimes I also dont like vegan :P

I don’t mind vegans if they don’t mind me🥓

That's funny indeed video @reddust. My friends also same condition like as this video. Peoples why rejected vegans? It must important increase healthy.

Ive been hated on by very loving vegans 🥓😂

The internet is poor this day I was not allowed to watch the video
How are you doing @reddust

It’s a silly video about people who don’t eat animal products and their deep seated aversions....made me laugh @klasanja

They have silly ideas
They deprived themselves of delicious foods that their stomachs would hold on to

Plus we need to eat our domestic livestock or they will go extinct...humans and their heritage foods are ecosystems🥓

The inhabitants of the desert can not break the red meat and fetal camel milk, meat, cheese and a few dry vegetables and find Du physical structure is not known to the hospital a way only depends on the herbs that grow in the desert as a medicine

Most cultures were dependent on animals for food and herbs for healing until the industrial revolution ...

Our energy grids are very fragile, if we lose our energy we also lose our food grids...

Best to keep the old ways of living alive just in case😉

LOL - vegans - I think half the vegans on Steemit have muted me!

I haven’t started teasing the vegans yet, but after working the Dharma (Buddhist retreats and teachings💵) circus for 20 years I might...🙏

Did you say circus?

Wow....those are long legs😳 but where is the 🥓

3 legs!

The middle one isn't a leg!

Don't say it's​ a...!! 🤔🤔

Nope way, not going to say anything😂🤐🗼

huh funny I was preparing my bed to sleep, until I saw this video lol!
Good night my dear @reddust

Rest well my friend.

Hahaha..That's funny indeed video @reddust. My friends .its really awesome.
how funny video.
I like see you joyful funn.
Keep up

Laugh with me and we will bring home some 🥓😂💵

Oh sure...😂😂😂

Well you're certainly right it's a funny video by all standard really however that dog is badass

That dog is badass, the face licking really made me giggle.

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