Remember My Beaver Inconvenience?

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

You know.  It's the continuing saga of how a pair of beavers were eating my pussy willow bush and  they almost killed it with their vivacious appetite.

(If you missed the story, you can read it here: )

You can image my complete surprise when I found a tool that might actually come in handy.

Haupy's Beaver Rub!

It's a rub that promises no more bland boiled beaver! (I couldn't make this up if I tried.)

Rumour has it, that beaver steaks sustained the Voyageurs but, allegedly, beaver tastes bland and boring and this is why the rub was originally created.

(Voyageurs were early European explorers, involved in the fur trade who eventually made Canada their home.)

Haupy's Beaver Rub contains a proprietary blend of spices that includes: paprika, garlic, dill, basil, Cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon,  fennel, turmeric and coriander.

Note to self: (If these spices can make boiled beaver taste good, they probably can make lots of other bland and boring food taste great, too.)

For more fun beaver facts you can read the full story straight from Haupy Beaver Rub's website:

Now I do have to take some issue with Haupy's.

They failed to mention that very close to a beaver's anal gland is something called a castor gland and that gland produces a brown-coloured, slimy oil that smell exactly like rich vanilla. 

I'm not joking.

This substance is called castoreum and it's used to flavour ice cream, puddings, chewing gum and to make other food flavourings like raspberry and strawberry flavours. The next time you tuck into your favourite ice cream or candy, read the label and see if it contains beaver butt juice. (Yeah, you're welcome. wink, wink.)

In the meantime, I am convinced that I am armed with the best damn beaver rub my money can buy!

I plan to shake the jar very aggressively and threaten Donald and Hillary with the rub if they don't leave my pussy willow bush... unmolested.

If that fails, I'll up the ante and threaten them with a trip to the ice cream factory.

(I am joking about this part. No beavers will be harmed.)

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...occasionally food labels will be deciphered so that you can make an informed choice about whether you want to lick beaver butt juice in your ice cream.

(Again, you are welcome. I will always put your best interests first, dear reader.)

~ Rebecca Ryan



HAha! You are too funny.
I'd say those beavers have whats coming to them.

Hahaha! I'd say so too @dotorcrypto! That and I have time to plot...

Are you serious about the vanilla smell from the glands my friend!!!??? This must surely be a joke!
Btw it written on the package : please rub responsibly so be careful while rubbing!!! Hahahaha!

It's totally true (I already knew it, but it's something you forget...)
Here's a National Geographic article for your reading pleasure:
Beaver Butts Emit Goo Used For Vanilla Flavoring

Oh wow! Thanks so much for sharing this out my friend, i'll check it out right now!

Yes! Unfortunately I am serious about the vanilla beaver gland musk and I can tell you that I WILL NOT be milking any beaver butts or eating beaver anytime soon. Hahaha! (Good god! Never say never when it comes to food. Right Chef?)

Your beaver jokes are right on. Why not have a little humor in what
we don't want to happen to our trees. Pussy willow included. Ha
The beavers are starting to be seen many new places of residence now.
When I was a youngster. I didn't see any or any signs of them.
Now you can see them in many new places.
I didn't know about the ice cream flavoring. I am going to be eyeing
my ice cream with some suspicion now. Ha


You named them Donald and Hillary!! Can't stop laughing!

The next time you tuck into your favourite ice cream or candy, read the label and see if it contains beaver butt juice.

You're hilarious!! Thank you for sharing this.

Hahaha! Both of the beavers are weapons of mass natural destruction. Actually there were a lot of similarities, which is why I named them they way that I did.
I'm glad this brought a smile to your face @firepower! Thanks for reading and commenting. ;)

Hehe, I will be looking out for castoreum!

Enjoy the Beaver rub! :0D

Right. Allegedly they have to tranquilize the beavers and milk their butts. Hahaha!
I'm not joking, I read that in an article about castoreum.
Can you imagine if that was your job?
"Yeah, I have to roofie beavers and milk their butts all day." LMAO!

Yeah, it wouldnt be the best ice breaker on a date!

Hahaha! Where exactly do you think someone goes to learn how to be a beaver butt milking expert? I cannot be the only one with these questions. LOL!

A funny story, but they say that beavers are cooking and very well. For nutritional values and vitamins, beaver meat is considered very useful and nutritious. So, if you find a suitable recipe, then you should get an excellent dish. Thank you @rebeccaryan

Haha! I have no immediate plan to eat beaver...unless I'm forced to @serkagan and if I am, I know the exact spices to use. LOL!

Hey @rebeccaryan madem...
You are so funny....I realy like your have more defferent talent...I think you are one of better and talented lady in this platform...

As much as I love your pro-marijuana posts, these are just fucking hilarious.

Hahaha! Thanks @clayboyn! Kush helps. LOL! A lot.

Yes, with such spices, any dish will become magical :)

memoji lol small.png
This is just too good!

Thank you @carrieallen! Thanks also for posting the link to the National Geographic article.

You're Welcome! I've always thought this was crazy and hilarious. When I first heard, I looked it up, as I do everything.

Thank YOU for all your great content. 😍

Thanks so much for reading and commenting @carrieallen. I really appreciate it. :)

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