Confessions of a "Rapist"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny6 years ago

As anyone who follows this blog knows, I have a daughter who will soon be heading off to college. And so, like any good Dad, I've been spending a substantial amount of time online comparing various universities. Of course, in doing so, I also came across many discussions about campus life in general. 

I was shocked. 

In fact, 'shocked' hardly does my reaction justice. Flabbergasted. Dumb-Founded. Gob-smacked.  

Apparently, on college campuses there is an epidemic of ... RAPE.

And, it's EVERYWHERE! 

Harvard, Yale, Princeton ... there is no 'safe space.' Men ... are simply raping women right, left and center. To aggressively paraphrase, 'The Rime of The Ancient Mariner:'

Raping, raping everywhere, 
As blues they rape the pink, 
Raping, raping everywhere, 
And do we naught but wink. 

Hugely concerned, I did a deep dive into the matter. Thankfully, there's a wealth of scholarly material emanating from the Gender Studies Departments of countless universities. Did you know that 1 in 4 women will be raped or sexually assaulted in the four years that it takes them to complete a Bachelor's Degree? 

I didn't. 

That's a horrendous statistic. Indeed, it's so horrendous ... that it's difficult to believe. 

To put things in perspective, that's approximately 800% MORE THAN the previous historical record for mass rape set by an avenging Red Army as it pillaged its way though Nazi Germany at the end of World War II! 

And at Harvard no less.

Stunned, I kept reading. While I like to think of myself as a learnèd fellow, I was in for quite an education. You see, up until then, I had erroneously believed that 'rape' entailed a man using his greater physical strength to violently force sexual intercourse upon a woman, a crime for which I would, without a moment's hesitation, have him castrated, executed ... or both.  

So imagine my surprise to learn that 'rape' also includes having 'seemingly consensual sex' with a women ... after she's consumed a glass of Chardonnay. Indeed, even if she poured the wine, retired to the bathroom to change into knickers befitting a pornstar and howled like a coyote while rutting like a reindeer ... it's still 'rape.' 

You see, for sex not to be 'rape,' there must be CONSENT ... and a woman under the influence, cannot, according to Post-Modern doctrine, give consent. Simply, tipsy women are not responsible for their actions. Initially, this confused me because ... men are. And, strangely, women are responsible for drinking 'and driving' ... but apparently not while 'being driven.' As I would learn, however, articulating such logical contradictions is called, 'being a prick,' the only thing worse than having one.

Worrisome is the fact that many woman are in denial, seemingly incapable of understanding the degree to which their privates are being plundered. Thankfully, though, we have Gender Studies experts to 'adjust the statistics' to compensate for those women who answer questionnaires incorrectly: "Raped ... are you kidding? I'm going back for more tonight. In fact, I've gotta run. I need to pick up a bottle of Tequila." 

In any event, this was the point where things started to get real for me because, as I realized ... I was a rapist. 

A serial rapist. 

Indeed, I was a woman-raping machine akin to Genghis Khan leading the Golden Horde by example. Guilt-ridden, I cast back at the carnage I'd left in my wake. My memory immediately settled upon Isabelle is the south of France. Typical of the French, she was incapable of making a meal not worthy of royalty. And, typical of the French, wine was almost always served with her culinary creations. And, typical of the French, a good many of the meals culminated with dessert ... her.

Without batting an eyelash, she'd stare deep into my eyes, while disrobing, and declare her intentions with an assuredness that would have impressed Napoleon. Then, she'd launch a blitzkrieg of debauchery and licentiousness the likes of which left me feeling far more like the prey than the predator ... which, I nevertheless now know, I was.

"Oh, Mon Dieu! Oh, Mon Dieu! Oh, Mon Dieu!" 

What I'd previously believed were exclamations of ecstasy were, in retrospect, exclamations of agony as she plead for Divine Intervention. 

Shaking from shame, I forced myself to read on ... to face my demons. Apparently, things were even worse than I could have imagined. You see, a woman can also be, for lack of better terminology, 'morally raped.'  

'Fairness' is one of the Six Pillars upon which universal human morality is constructed. And, as it turns out, one group of human beings, males, are taking up way more physical space on the planet than the other, females. And ... that's not fair, is it? 

Multiple Feminist studies have demonstrated that, even when you account for males' larger body sizes, they're still consuming more than their fair share of the Lebensraum. And, it's not just a matter of equitable distribution of global territory. There's something far more sinister at work.     

As you may know, men have testicles between their legs. And, as you may also know, the crushing of the aforesaid between one's legs results in a feeling of physical discomfort. That's why you frequently see men reaching down their pants to re-arrange their junk. I do it a hundred times a day. In fact, I'm doing it right now.

But, as the gurus have shown, there exists a related behavior, which occurs with even greater frequency, that is NOT such a 'practical compensation for an obvious design flaw' ... a behavior so sinister that I shudder to describe it:  


Man-spreading involves a man, in a public place, sitting with his legs spread several inches apart. The message to a nearby woman could not be more clear: 

"You better submit to my dominance, bitch ... or I'll come over there and rape your ass off."


Subconsciously, women understand what's being communicated and so, in an effort of self-preservation, begin to exhibit submissive behaviors ... like stroking the man's arm and laughing at his jokes. Now that I've been made aware of this phenomenon, I must confess, again, I'm as guilty as sin. 

Indeed, now that I know what to look for, I often catch myself with my legs spread apart ... sometimes by as much as a foot and a half! It would seem that I want to dominate every woman within a 100-mile radius.          

And it doesn't end there. 

Perhaps most perniciously, women can also be 'intellectually raped,' and this is where I become Satan's Spawn: A Man-Splainer extraordinnaire. 

Man-Splaining, for those who don't know, involves a man explaining something to a woman. Often, it involves the assumption that the woman doesn't understand the thing being explained ... and hence, the explanation. Perhaps surprisingly, this can scar a woman's psyche for life, shattering her self-confidence and rendering her incapable of self-assertion. For example:

"Honey, would you hand me the Philips screwdriver ... it's the one with an end the looks like a cross."

Prior to my re-education, I was under the impression that men and women had been bossing each other around since the invention of speech. Indeed, women's tendency to 'nag men,' telling them what and how to do things, is one of the most universal cultural tropes in existence. But, as I would learn, such trope is merely a myth, propaganda perpetuated by the Patriarchy ... for thousands of years.

That video: Man-Splaining pure and simple ... and just one of the many manifestations of the 'rape culture' to which Western women are constantly subjected. God (who incidentally is always depicted with a beard, while never wearing a bra) ... I look back at all those years of tutoring my daughter and her girlfriends: Math; physics; biology; English literature; poetry; history; geography; politics ... you name it. Not once did I ask the girls, "Girls, before I explain any of this, do any of you know how to perform Linear Regression?"  

And do you know what's really heart-breaking ... cowed into submission, not one of them ever fought back:

"Listen you Dufus Confucius, of course we know the implications of the Battle of Leuctra: The introduction of 'Manoeuvre Warfare,' in particular, the 'Echelon Formation' ... proving that even in battle, it's brains over brawn. It spelled the end of the Spartans and empowered the Macedonian conquest of the Persian Empire, and hence, the spread of Western Civilization. For God's Sake, do you think we're stupid? We're six-years-old ... and Matty will be seven in two weeks!"

To some men, all this may come as a bit of a surprise. Well, you assholes, you NEED TO GET EDUCATED!!!

Luckily, the Internet is replete with educational materials. There are numerous Post Modern Professors who have, conveniently, prepared YouTube videos on these and countless other forms of rape. (Don't miss the one on 'Fart-Rape.' Personally, I'd been out-gassing women into submission since elementary school ... and, shamefully, thinking it was funny the whole time.)

She has obviously never met @lynncoyle1

To facilitate your journey of enlightenment, here's a tip: You can often differentiate Post Modern Professors, from other non-enlightened Professors (like those teaching pseudosciences like, 'Biology' and 'Logic'), by their hair color: Greens; blues and pinks are popular. And, if you search around, you'll find one with white hair and block spots ... reminiscent of an Appaloosa or a Dalmatian, depending upon whether you grew up on a farm or in a firehouse.    

So gentlemen, it's time to admit your complicity in the ransacking and ruination of the fairer sex. It's time to take responsibility for the 'rape culture' you've perpetrated and continue to perpetuate. 

You utter bastards.


For my daughter's 16th birthday, I wrote her a poem. Contained within it were 10 stanzas, each with a piece of life advice from a father to his child:

Words Instead

Nature’s prize, those smiling eyes, 
A beauty … you’ve become, 
A heart that’s kind, such brilliant mind,  
To them, do all succumb.    

Nobel Prize, do some surmise, 
For promise does presage, 
As you devote; too, they take note, 
As you of them, assuage.   

So much you’ve done, for one so young, 
My child … of sixteen years, 
More than most, have you to boast,  
As first, amongst your peers.   

This day of birth, what thing of worth, 
Might I, then give to you, 
What would suffice, and at what price, 
To moment now imbue?   

Ought buy to own, a gem or stone, 
Or ring, if cast in gold, 
A satin dress, a look noblesse, 
So all exclaim, “Behold!”   

Perhaps a toy, that you’d enjoy, 
Remind … so too to play, 
Your mind, beguile; to make you smile, 
How ought these things I weigh?   

A gift of lead, in words instead, 
Of lessons that I’ve learned, 
As traveled far; I have them, scars, 
And wisdoms have I earned.   

Of none, obey; but each one, weigh, 
On each, ought you reflect, 
Perhaps concur, perhaps demur, 
Reflect, accept, reject.

Nothing is Free   

If truth there be, no thing is free, 
All things, they’ll take a toll, 
Sacrifice, means sacred price, 
Must pay we for our goals.   


Ask them to do, as they of you, 
No less, so too no more, 
A thing not fair, of it beware, 
For it, the seed of war.    

Virtue’s in the Middle   

Polar regimes, vice in extremes,  
Virtue, you find in between, 
He, Aristotle; would make it the model,  
Ethos, you’ll find at the mean.   


To tell them their lies, they’ll first euphemize,
Take words … and twist what they mean,
The trick of the game, to change it the frame,
Rewrite them, words and their genes.

Trust Someone

Frightful to trust, yet still it a must, 
For no one sees rearward attack, 
Caution, go slow; friends fewer than foes, 
But someone, must have it, your back.

One Plan   

Worse than a bad plan, is no plan, 
Worse than no plan, is two, 
As matter of course, focus your force, 
No focus and chaos ensues.   

Take Precautions   

Bad sign, if it’s smoking; hard fix, when it’s broken,  
Insight … prevent it, the break, 
Of perils, take care; for problems, prepare, 
Precaution, prevents them, mistakes.   

Be Honorable   

Honor, the word; now seldom is heard, 
Strength … such archaic ideal, 
Morals within; so too with them, sins,  
Honor … is the iron in steel.   

Be Passionate but Pragmatic    

“If truly believe, you’ll truly achieve, 
Go child, go chase it your passion,” 
Well there is a gem, if dreaming of STEM, 
Less so, of dreams out-of-fashion.   

Think for Yourself   

Everyone knows, and they’d knowledge impose,  
Everyone … knows that they’re right, 
They argue their ‘facts,’ with logic that’s lax, 
And rarely, can science, they cite.  


Let's examine that stanza about euphemisms.


To tell them their lies, they’ll first euphemize,
Take words … and twist what they mean,
The trick of the game, to change it the frame,
Rewrite them, words and their genes.

When a word can mean anything, it comes to mean nothing. Activists of one kind or another love the euphemism game. They use euphemisms to manipulate people, who are not paying attention, into believing a thing is something it is not. They use it to engage, and then to enrage. In rhetoric, the process is called 're-framing.'

There are many sex-seeking male behaviors that women might, rightly, find annoying or obnoxious. And periodically, criminal. But calling the former the latter is a terrible idea for it weakens one of the most viscerally emotive words in the English language: Rape.

That word triggers an immediate, and draconian, reaction amongst males and females alike. In stands almost alone on the pedestal of moral depravity. In many cultures, it is a capital offense. But when other behaviors women find objectionable begin to go by the same appellation, the reaction to it is dramatically diminished.

Instead of being a universal abomination, "I was raped," becomes an assertion subject to interpretation. Was it literal or figurative? Maybe he grabbed her ass ... or maybe, she was just downwind from a guy who had beans for breakfast. The constant drive of Far Left Post Modernists to scale the ladder of umbrage, so as to claim to be the 'Most Victimized,' is castrating words of their meaning and, in the process, depriving those who actually need the words to mean what they once did. Like women who were actually raped.

And here's the thing: If even poets, people who purportedly obsess about the meaning of words, won't object to this bastardization of the language, then who will? Words are containers of ideas, ideals and insights and when one manipulates what can be spoken, so too one manipulates what can be thought. And yet, many of my literary fellows are the ones holding the pen, weaving lies in their desire to 'manufacture a truth.'

Ideological conceit does not excuse literary, or semantic, deceit.



All images herein are QuillFire modifications of images in the public domain.

You guys know the QuillDrill. Be verbose ... but articulate.

And remember ...     

Go Love a Starving Poet     

For God's sake ... they're starving!  



Another superb piece of text Quillington but I was really expecting to see the words "rewards" and "pool" in here somewhere! Golden opportunity missed I feel!

You're quite rightly alluding to the dilution of the meaning of a word which describes a horrible act "traditionally". Nowadays, the word "rape" can just be appended on to anything - "Facebook-rape", "Rewards Pool Rape", "Resource Rape" etc. I am in the traditional definition camp there though seeing as it is absolutely one of the worst crimes to commit.

As for the girls "on the razz" who end up in the scenarios you describe, sorry, everyone has a choice there, don't go out, don't drink alcohol, don't go talking to strangers etc etc. Too extreme? Nope. We are where we are now because every choice we have made has lead us to this point. Sleeping with a stranger you met in a nightclub is different to being sexually attacked on the street or kidnapped. The latter is the crime.

It seems there's a great effort to make things black and white, using divide and conquer strategies to polarise opinion. Like you said in a message on Discord, common sense just has to prevail!

OK well, I have done enough mansplaining now as I sit here manspreading, ruining the freshness of air in the local vicinity with my gasses and sabotaging people's Facebook pages. Oh, maybe I'm a r****t too... 🙂


Hey Nicky,

It's still hard for me to accept that I was able to use this topic as the basis of satire. 10 years ago, it would have been impossible. Satire requires the "belittlement of the absurd" ... but the absurdity has to be grounded in reality. Satire, without the plausibly absurd, simply isn't ... 'funny.'

If, 10 years ago, someone had suggested that university professors would be grading graduate thesis papers about the "passive-aggressive sexual violence related to farting," people would have rolled their eyes and turned the page. Too much. Not plausible.

Does no one require "proof of anything" anymore? What could that knucklehead professor have possibly pointed to as "evidence-of-her-assertion?"

And yet, here we are.


It's a tough task to turn a delicate subject in to satire but it does get a bit out of hand at times when the SJWs start making a bit of noise doesn't it?

Seems the mantra is changing to "guilty until proven innocent" which is a very dangerous world to live in.

@quillfire and @nickyhavey

Your belittlement and the subject of your satire is not about rape, per se, but of the extremist and approach to the topic not the act. A subtle and cataclysmic difference actually.


A subtle and cataclysmic difference ...


I have been meaning to write an article (for months) about "writing satire." The demands of the Art Form and all that. I'm thinking it's about time I actually get around to it.


You should!

Posted using Partiko Android


It's in the making.


Good. As is my reply to your reply to my other comment. 'Twill be later or tomorrow. Because, of course, 'this market day and Sunday Supper...

Posted using Partiko Android

I've read many things today from all across the internet, including Medium, the NY TImes, Verge, and others, but this is by far the best of the day and probably the month. Although there are many great lines above, perhaps my favorite is "Words are containers of ideas, ideals and insights and when one manipulates what can be spoken, so too one manipulates what can be thought." This reminds me of Newspeak from Orwell's 1984, but also reminds me of what I heard in the media, especially Fox News, and from many of my relatives who parrot the same language. Now we are sadly seeing it on the so-called left or progressive side as well. It is as if there is no middle ground left and if you are not polarized, you don't belong.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives


High praise indeed. Thank you.

Orwell's "1984" is one of my favorite 'classics' and I re-read this past summer. I was astonished. It's almost as if the extremists are using it as a template ... rather missing the point of his missive. :-)

And, in perhaps the greatest example of Projection since that term was coined, both extremes are asserting that the other is engaging in "Orwellian tactics."

This segues nicely into another stanza from Katie's poem:

Virtue’s in the Middle

Polar regimes, vice in extremes,
Virtue, you find in between,
He, Aristotle; would make it the model,
Ethos, you’ll find at the mean.


Really, whom does that kind of manipulation of public opinion is supposed to help? Media sells? A movement's credibility? Lol on that one.

Nicely done, the stanza about... Well, all of them. But the one about the plans gave me an idea.


Hi Manny.

But the one about the plans gave me an idea.

Katie says she's glad her poem was your muse. :-)


Yay, we're all glad :) what remains is for me to nail it down.

Good read!
The whole of this nonesense agenda perpetuates because of their vile reactions towards criticism of their doctrine.
They will attack weak or flawed criticisms of their views themselves and boast about victory. Easy pickings.
When some decent criticism comes along, their tactics are different. They throw so much propaganda and flawed arguments at reason. In both cases their zombie followers lap it up.
Basically, I can only recommend ignoring them unless you want to inadvertantly assist their their cause, or are prepared for one hell of a battle.


Fair points.

That said, I am a proponent of Hellacious Battles. :-)


Oh you have to chuckle at the absurdities of what constitutes "rape" In fact I out and out laughed at the "fart rape"!
Beautiful words of wisdom in the poem for your daughter. As I read it I thought of my granddaughter and how I like to impart bits of wisdom to her. This is a lovely way to do it!
Thanks for sharing!


Katie says it's the best gift she's ever received (as if she had a choice). :-)

The "fart rape" thing: That gal has a PhD and is a professor at one of Canada's top universities.

Here's the thing: If, 10 years ago, I'd tried to write this nonsense into the plot of a fiction novel, people would have thrown it into the trash bin. Simply, the idea is so implausible that it asks too much of the reader in terms of "suspension of reality."

And yet ... here we are. Men blowing their buttock bassoons so as to intimidate women into passivity and yielding to the Patriarchy. You know, I'm a science guy ... and this just begs for experimentation for the sake of gathering empirical evidence.

Maybe a Steemit Contest???

Upholding a Commitment to the Creation Quality Content. :-)


Funny how things change over time and I'm not so sure this is in a good direction.
Yes, best to test out this hypotheses and you know you would get many responses to a Steemit Contest!

I'm outraged, incensed, at the very least almost sick to my stomach ... it might be from all my flatulence (which is wayyyy louder than Brian's) or all the wine I've been drinking, because now I am just begging for some unwanted male attention. I just got some from you by the way, in the form of man-splaining, not to mention I feel horribly ravaged by your farting insinuation. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm emailing a Post-Modernist feminist professor I know to see what legal actions I should take. Until then, adieu ; hope that doesn't make you relive the horrors of what your little French friend did to you. Oops, I mean that the other way around.


Hi Flynne,

You should be ashamed of yourself.

And that's the problem, isn't it? I never am.

You know, I was feeling badly about misspelling your username (remember that one time ... which you so graciously pointed out) and so now I'm looking for every opportunity to PROVE to you that I know how it's spelled ... and to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that everyone else knows precisely to whom I'm referring. I checked and re-checked it a dozen times. :-) :-) :-)

Hope you're doing well and say Hi to Brian for me.



Flynn! Good one :)

and so now I'm looking for every opportunity to PROVE to you that I know how it's spelled

Really?? I hadn't noticed! :)

Brian says hi back.

I feel like you've mind raped bastard....

Excellent post!
(even if i do feel a little used)


:-) :-) :-)


Oh! I think I am the only woman who commented on this. I wonder why? It is obvious that it is satire and so well written it had me reading it in part to my daughter, who just finished college.

Oh, you guessed it! She went to a girls school! I read those studies too!

I am not one bit torn about the consensual sex thing. If you don't want to be out of control, don't drink in mixed company. Or do, but, can he yell rape if he has misgivings about how his behavior was dissected? Well, I don't want to say anymore because rape is a serious offense and yes, I know it was satire, but, hell-o, college and rape is very real.

Unbelievable so.

Well written, @Quill - you took a very taboo subject and turned it into something most won't see the humor in. I gotta love you.

Upped and Steemed



No one takes assertions of "rape" more seriously than I. I am the father of a daughter and I am at least three standard deviations above the norm when it comes to protectiveness.

But I also possess an IQ over 2.

The assertion that "rape" ought to include the litany of male sex-seeking behaviors that the Far Left now asserts it does, is ludicrous upon its face and worthy of belittlement by satire.

Here is a long, but engrossing, article that exposes the degree to which the sheer insanity has overtaken Western academia. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND its reading. If it does not cause to pause for contemplation, then nothing will. What is perhaps most frightening is the substantial evidence suggesting that such blatant overreach is not the exception at Western universities, but the norm.

BTW ... UBC is one of Canada's most esteemed universities, habitually jostling for ranking with McGill and the University of Toronto.

BTW 2 ... "QuillFire" (me) is in no way affiliated with "The Quillette" despite the similarity in names. Although, Quillette ... if you're ever looking for writers ... The Quill is interested.

Did you think I did not appreciate your satirical piece? I have three kids that I homeschooled because of the state of schools

But, I won't go there.

I will check out "The Quillette" Thanks for the tip! ;)


Denise, don't misconstrue my reply ... I have a habit of using people's comments as a pretext to "keep talking." Ask Ol' Guy. He'll say, "Nice Post" ... to which I'll respond with a 20,000 word reply-to-comment. He greatly appreciates this tendency and will often reward me with a 5% upvote for my efforts. :-)

For whatever reason, when I started typing up a reply to your comment, that article popped into my mind. It didn't have anything to do with what you said ... but since when has that ever stopped me? Sorry if there were crossed wires.


@quillfire Oh, no!! I didn't mean it that way. Which way, right? I see your satirical side ever so perfectly. I think I wrote without thinking exactly what I was saying. I do love the fact that you batter your friends with banter. LOL All 20,000 words of it.

The @Old-Man-Photos only gives you 5%? Oh!!! We need to change that to @Cheap-Man-Photos! Right?


The @Old-Man-Photos only gives you 5%? Oh!!! We need to change that to @Cheap-Man-Photos! Right?

Denise, that bugger had better start paying up. I'm the only one on the blockchain that says anything nice about his cooking. Not everyone agrees that Pastrami dipped in ketchup constitutes haute cuisine.

For Heaven's Sake, Denise ... I even wrote him a poem:

Ode to Ol' Guy "Sandwich" Photos

I love Pastrami, so too Salami,
For "Sandwich" ... my middle name,
To taste buds appease, I add in some cheese,
"Delicious," does Quill he proclaim.



You do know you can go to hell for pandering like that, right??



Steemit is a bad influence. :-)


Oh you are so double dipping with this lol. I just gave you a raise on my post, and now I see here too lol!


You see, I'm learning. :-)


I hope checky goes for you. You get it wrong even when you think you are getting it right. For the record, you do know my name is Mike, right? ;)

I have always known it was Mike or Tom... one of those common names for such an uncommonly serious Old Man.

You can call me anything you like, just don't call me late for dinner lol.

I am only ever serious with you :-D

Hey, those are generous 15 % upvotes and besides the monetary rewards, just think I am trying to save you from carpal tunnel! lol ;)

I realized some time ago that conceit was not synonymous with self-esteem. It is rather the opposite, and the attempt to either project the image of confidence to others, or the result of having no self-respect, and so being bereft of justifiable humility and attempts to maintain standards of socially acceptable decorum, megalomaniacal in masturbatory selfishness producing shame and remorse in rational individuals.

It is the height of conceit that the rape of the language regarding rape is supposed to more empower the fair sex; to enable them to better prosecute their lives and improve their lot. The reverse is actually the result, as people so deluded by accepting such vapid re-framing become unable to grasp the actual power differentials and comprehend matters of import regarding what actually does, or does not, affect or effect their sovereign rights and abilities to thrive in life.

It is a difficult task to tackle an industry of victimization global in extent, and reaching abyssal depth in it's penetration of the fabric of society, but it is well you do. The fruits of allowing such to ferment indigestible in the bowels of civilization become evident, and the noxious vapors assaulting the sensibilities of our peoples presently effect that injury most dire: gang fart rape of every man, woman, child and indetermined gender on Earth, unto death.



Well said, mate.

My hope is that the Silent Majority is, finally, starting to wake up. And, there is some evidence to that effect. The "Heterodox Academy" was created by some of America's most prominent professors (2,300+ at present) in an effort to push back against the naked ideologies that have overtaken academia. Numerous states have passed laws requiring campus-wide adherence to Freedom of Speech (not just "Free-Speech Zones'). And, of course, even Centrists like myself are now writing satire.

If there's one thing ideologues cannot stand ... it is the belittlement of their "Truths."



Paul -

I have been meaning to come and read this since Gina waved its tantalising title at me. Alas, it's taken 7 days as I was preoccupied with a wedding fair over the weekend, complicated by the joys of loadshedding which has meant that for the last 7 days we have had at least 4, often more hours, without electricity. I am now sorry I didn't get here sooner and I fear that my comment will not add to the rewards pool for this post. Also, the comment belongs here, not somewhere else....

While your satire is not lost on me, and nor is your wholly appropriate incredulity at the some of the product of gender studies, I do need to weigh in on the issue of the high percentage of rape and sexual harrassment. South Africa is a "rape capital" and the violence often perpetrated in the commission of rape makes it even more reprehensible. I will not even go into the issue of "corrective" rape of lesbians. Or the fact that such incidents have lead to the demise - in a township public and communal toilet ( and a bit more here about the general situation ( and which is hardly general at all.

I am fortunate in that I have only a couple of times been on the receiving end of inappropriate sexual advances. Once, as a young professional when, with a male colleage, we were in negotiation with a major bank for a sponsorship for a youth cricket competition. The corporate representative came on to me by reaching under the table and rubbing my leg while all the time engaging with my colleague. I cannot remember whether I told my colleage what had gone down (ha!) I do know that because I did not respond "appropriately", we did not get the sponsorship.

There have been others, but one that sticks in my head was when I was still at university and it was not with a peer. I was working as a housekeeper/receptionist/concierge - such as that could be in a small university town more than 30 years ago - at one of the residences (dorms) during what has now become South Africa's National Festival of the Arts. Our brief was to show visitors to their rooms, answer questions, deal with issues relating to their accommodation and to just generally be nice. This "gentleman" representing one of the major sponsors (a major wine brand), one morning, after breakfast, followed me to my room and as I was about to go in, tried to force himself on me. Fortunately I had not unlocked the door and he was much taller than I and I was able to duck under his arm and flee. My male peers and some of the other guests literally closed ranks and that was that. I was rattled. Still am as I write, but comforted and protected by a bunch of men apalled at that kind of conduct.

There is a third instance which, it took me years to work out: my first sexual relationship - there were undertones of violence and had it not come to an end, when it did, I don't know where I'd be right now. And that with a peer from the same uni. Which, incidentally, has a student body that has lead the crusade against campus rape over the last 5 or so years. It is most certainly an epidemic here. And not in the pseudo fart rape way that diminishes the real issue.

I say again: I am fortunate. And I am talking 30+ years ago.

My sister-in-law was raped in her own home about five years ago. She was, at the time, in her early 60s. She was a virgin. She is a devout Christian spinster. The perpetrator, a serial rapist it was subsequently discovered, had cased her house, entered through the bathroom window and was waiting for her when she got home. I will not go into the gory details except to say that the secondary trauma for those who support victims, especially their male relatives is can be likened to rape.

Oh, and returning to my alma mater: proportionately, it produces the highest number of Rhodes scholars of any South African university, so it is "up" there with the best.

So, having been a grinch, I am certain that with the sensibility she has from having a dad like you, Katie will more than hold her own. After all, I am sure she has good instincts to which she should listen, and she knows how to coach a beau before "that" meeting. More to the point, she is a young adult in a society where the males are more afraid of rape and sexual harrassment, or being accused of either, than their female counterparts are of rape. Which you so elequently - as always - articulate.


PS I did, also in my 20's happily play Isabelle to a Paul....and if not happily married, would probably do so again!


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