2018 Horoscope for cryptoers. Technical analysis included ;)

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Here it is: the final and 100% Horoscope for all human beings for 2018 is released. Be happy.

Disclaimer: As everyone knows, horoscope is a popular derivation of a very ancient bunch of crap. The Toothfairie is far more real than the weird belief behind Astrology - but that doesn't mean that there isn't a narrative potential in that myth - expecially in comedy.  ♂♃♄♅♆♇     

So, looking at that, here is my true and reliable horoscope for 2018 (I said it already)

Aries: The wall you are used to hit will soon become a wallet

Taurus: Avoid forks  https://www.tauruscoin.com


Gemini: https://gemini.com/ !!!  

Cancer: You will be cured and have to choise another sign. 

Leo: Nardo Di Caprio will fall in love with you  (for her).   Nardo di Caprio will fall in love with you just after your "coming out" (for him)

Virgo: You will buy your first bunch of cryptocoins and so you will not be a crypto virgin anymore. (You know that "virgo" means "virgin" in Latin, don't you? ... Oh, really?) 

Libra:  You will pay your taxes better than any other https://www.libra.tech/ 

Scorpio: You will start soon your own Blockchain sCorporation and become rich. Or not.

Sagittarius: Arrows ("sagitta" in Latin) can't follow the zig-zag line of the prices. Better if you sell all your coins.

Capricorn: You will go beyond the Moon, all the way over to Mars ("Capricorn One", 1977) http://capricoin.org/en

Aquarius: Try again. And again https://aquariuscoin.com/ 

Pisces: Go to fish and something will bite


So, these are my astrological forecast for the next year. Trust me: I bought XRP two days ago. :D

Ok, I know these are silly jokes: what do you expect in a post about horoscope?!

(Astrologists, have sense of humour, please! ;) )

Happy new year!


How can you call it a crap when you're obviously so good in horoscopes!? :D I enjoyed this post. And for the record: I really plan to buy my first cryptocoins in 2018 and be no more cryptovirgin :) (I'm Virgo)

What a funny little read this was! Nice to see some humour in some horoscopes!

Thank you for sharing

thank you.
Happy New Year.

This is really comic and beautiful
I thank you for sharing. I appreciate your very great effort bro

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