
Never seen this guy before. Very funny vid mate.

Mark Dice has been around for awhile. If you go on utube and do a search on his name, you'll see a ton of funny videos on how clueless the common person is. I'm not saying their dumb, I'm saying if it's not sports or some form of senseless entertainment, they have no interest. He has this a video (couple years old) where he offers some people on the street a choice between a 10 ounce silver bar or a candy bar. The location was right across the street from a coin shop. I think 100% of the people he asked chose the candy bar.

Funny you should mention this. In the UK we have a show on,presently, called "I'm a celeb get me out of her" It's based in Australia. Last night 2 'celebs' were given the challenge of finding the distance between different destinations on a huge world map, that was on the floor.
The pair of celebs, both from the UK, were asked the distance between Australia(the place they had just flown to) and the UK.
Using a piece of rope they then stuck there pointers on Canada... The presenters revealed after that it took them 20 minutes to get it right! The meek have certainly inherited the earth.

Ignorance is bliss.

Did the celebs actually get off in Australia or maybe the got off in LALA land.

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