Batshit Crazy - Just how I like it! A story of wisdom and pain

in #funny8 years ago

Yup, that is my best friend. That is why she is my best friend. If you wish to infer anything from that information, it is up to you.

She popped into the shop Monday morning. Nothing unusual there. I noticed that she did not look her usual sprightly self. Okay, that was an understatement, she looked like shit. Caring friend that I am I told her, you look like shit. It was then that the tale of folly emerged. She had visited a dentist friend of hers, who has a crush on her, and used this fact to bully him into pulling out a recently emerged wisdom tooth, that was growing at an angle. Bullied is the only word I can use to describe her actions, as she has a very forceful personality. Still, the idiot dentist should have known better.

He injected her gums fourteen times and proceeded to mangle and mutilate, painfully, while his receptionist held her still (down). He also broke the root and a section was left in her gum, along with a gaping hole. He then packed her off to the ear, nose and throat specialist...mmm. She received a well deserved hour long lecture from the specialist and was immediately booked into hospital to remove the remaining bit...and put the bits of ear that the idiot dentist had disturbed back into place. I should have mentioned that she couldn't walk properly, veering off at a gentle angles every now and then, as her balance was off kilter. Fortunately she did not receive a lecture from me. Ever sympathetic, I kept it at calling her a fucking idiot every now and then, during the course of the day. I happen to have ALL my wisdom teeth neatly sprouted, and therefore she should have consulted my obviously superior wisdom on this issue before her rash action.

Ironically my friend has a job where the state of her health is so important that she has her own personal physician, based in another town. When she told him, she received another lecture, screamed at her so loudly that it probably caused permanent damage to her good ear. This physician rushed down to oversee the operation. He has since told her that she will have mandatory monthly appointments with him. She phoned me a little while after the operation, and is in intense pain. She has been prescribed a schedule 7 painkiller and is still desperately sore. Usually she can't even take one paracetamol or aspirin tablet without passing out early for the evening.

I decided, sweet friend that I am, to google stories of dentist extraction of wisdom teeth, and send the links for her to peruse from her sickbed. I found something so much better though!!! There are actually people out there that have attempted to extract their own wisdom tooth and put it on YouTube! (of course). Granted it was a dentist. I share the video clip for your edification. I watched about 3 seconds and stopped. Oh, yes, there was also a warning not to watch if you don't like blood!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Now for a bonus video clip of someone pulling out a tooth with a vice grip. Made it to 4,5 seconds this time. Don't watch it, you fool!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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After googling, I realised why you should never google medical advice. The general idea I got from google was that it is quite acceptable to have your wisdom tooth removed in a dental surgery. Everyone I have  known (and I'm 45) have had theirs removed under general anesthetic so I thought that was the norm. Now the gift my friend's personal physician gave her makes perfect sense. On her way home he handed her two bullets. One for the receptionist and one for the dentist. (And I'm not kidding.) Keep an eye out for breaking news on dentist murders in South Africa in the near future... 

Got to love Google

Moral(s) of the story. Stories have morals...??? (Oi, such digression.) DO NOT visit a dentist with a crush on you. Never ever. Even I have one of those, not the same one, sharing is not caring. The ever popular "do not use google for medical advice", and lastly, befriend me at your own risk.

Please take care. Wisdom tooth extraction is not a joke.

Thank you for reading. Please follow me @onetree


I have a horrible wisdom tooth dentist story too.
My wisdom teeth hurt like crazy when they started coming in. I had no dental insurance at first, so pulled the first tooth with my own money. Then I had insurance and pulled both top and bottom on the same side of the mouth so that I could still chew on the other side.
Then several years later I was moving out of the country to Central America, and I had dental insurance, so I asked the dentist that I'ld been at all those years whether I still had a wisdom tooth remaining (not grown in yet) as I might as well get it out before I move out-of-country.
He said that yes, I still had one wisdom tooth to remove.
That visit to the dentist was horrible as he tugged and tugged and I tried to be brave, but it had NEVER hurt like that before -- I had to grip the dentist chair because the tugging seemed to be lifting me up out of the chair.
... then finally he stopped ... looked in the chart, and asked me, "What Made You Think that You Still Had a Wisdom Tooth There?" ...
yes ... really ... he had been my dentist all those years ... and hadn't know that he was tugging on my actual jaw, and not on a tooth. Yikes!
I phoned a lawyer after that ... but they never returned my call ... so I dropped it. I later heard another horror story from a friend with the same dentist.

Ohhhhhhh! I feel your pain. In this country we are advised not to visit any medical professional who qualified after 2000.

When I was about 18, my dentist told me I needed to have my wisdom teeth out, or they would cause problems. Luckily I couldn't afford it, and decided to wait till I had those problems. 40 years later I still have 4 wisdom teeth.

Very good plan. Unfortunately many doctors and dentists only think of their pockets. I was lucky, I did experience some difficulties with my wisdom teeth. The dentist merely filed the adjacent teeth slightly and they all came out.

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