You can be happy - if you've a mind to!

in #funny6 years ago

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo1ipad June122016 161.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo2ipad June122016 162.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo3ipad June122016 163.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo4ipad June122016 164.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo5ipad June122016 165.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo7ipad June122016 167.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo8ipad June122016 168.JPG

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

Buffalo9ipad June122016 169.JPG



photo credit:



ouzo and out,

  • all photos courtesy of @twiceuponatime and taken on Vancouver Island, BC Canada
    (unless otherwise indicated)

  • fortunately, and unexpectedly, @twiceuponatime did not startle the bison as he photographed them!

  • which means of course, once again, no animals have been harmed in the making of this post!


Nuff Said

lyrics sound out of this world to me but then I have not buffalo here but my personal favorite of be happy song has to be this one.

You are probably on of those very rare people who actually could roller skate in a buffalo herd (if you were listening to Bobby McFerrin on your headphones)!

nah.... i inline skate quite a bit before but skate in any herd is definitely not.

I won't even lie, before I reach to the song and listen to it, I was like...

LOL...However, when I listened to the song I saw what you did there ;)

I know, eh? But how can you put the punch line at the beginning?

Lol our mind is a killer and only our mind can decide what can make us happy

... you've put a smile on all of our faces ...
totally WACKO!

The King of the Road ....

I can't resist to the rythm of that songs! I can't roller skate in a buffalo herd ( I have to say that here we don't have buffalo/bison herd), but I can shakes my feet dancing :D

You and hubby could learn the song and go on the road :-)

Looks really a great idea! I'm pretty sure I can do it ^_^

Lol can that small fence hold those animals back if they decide to go for a walk??
Being so close to those animals must be a great experience.
Nice shots @onceuponatime ...oups sorry....I mean @twiceuponatime

Those buffalo could go through that fence like a hot knife through butter. I have to admit how much I admire @twiceuponatime's courage in bringing those photos to you, er me, er us.

That is what I thought too...but I had to ask :-)
Well seems like @twiceuponatime is real hero...em I mean you are a real hero @onceuponatime! :-)

Buffaloes are scary I can't be happy skatting in a field of buffalo.😀😀😀

You could if you've a mind to!

A mind I have not lol I'm not Zeus 😀😀😀😀😀

Time to unleash your inner Zeus :-)

Νow we can dance with your wonderful music choice!!! :PPPPP

I hope you invent a new dance: The Buffalo!

mmmm!! this is a challenge!! Give me some time and I will think something about it!! :)))

If you post a video of you doing a "Buffalo" dance, I will be sure to upvote it!

They look tasty!

They go really well with ouzo!

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