What the.......?

in #funny8 years ago

When I am traveling in other countries,

I always want to be a fine, upstanding, obedient visitor.......

But what the heck am I being directed to do by this sign?


Form a mob? Riot? Crash into as many people as I can? Start a political demonstration?

Any guesses?
Can someone enlighten me? I mean, I just want to be fully obedient at all times :-)


There is a similar sign close to my school that says "gathering point" on top. I'd assume a similar sign has similar meaning, but I could obviously be wrong.

Sounds like a good guess. Bit when I saw this sign I had never seen anything like it before. I had no idea what it meant. That's why I took a picture of it.

It's good to be obedient sometimes, but also good to question things too so that you understand what rules you are following. Good post :)

"Gather Around Here", if you want to take a ride to get to the Casino?!? that would be my #1 guess. Do I win? Do I win??? LOL!!! All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

Sorry, no winners in this guessing game. Losers only.

I just had to roll the die! ;) Thanks anyhow... Namaste :)

Assembly Point, where everyone gather here when emergency

Are you speaking from authority?

I guess is Awareness, where everyone gathering there , when there is an emergency.

C = Casino, Community, CASHHHHH

So what is the sign telling you to do to get this cash? Huddle together in a mass?

Community , Casino , Cash Gathering.
Triple C , @helios , very suggestive.
Like it.

Assemble here if you want to go to a casino? I'm basing that on what google translate tells me the verbiage in the smaller sign says...

Your guess is as good as mine.

This is a gathering point. In this picture, it is the gathering point of the casino.
If you are at the casino and there is a siren alarm this is where you need to go. Normally, many public places have one. This panel lets you know where to go in case of evacuation.
It's good to ask the question ;-)

Wow. You should write a guidebook for us visitors.

Ahah I know nothing about tourism but in my business this pictogram is important ;-)

::lol:: Steemit "Brings People Together" (:

Cool! Can you photoshop that onto the sign?

Ahh, nice idea - I'm sure some creative 'gal' or 'gent' could accomplish a "work up" of this, my talents are limited in this respect. Great idea though! (:

Assembly Point for Building Evacuation.

It's where you get together when all hell break lose (or atleast when the firealarm at your company starts going off).

I don't know. Since it seems to have something to do with a casino, maybe it means: All you who have lost even the shirts off your backs - gather together here for mutual warmth?

Ooh, actually that makes a lot more sense! It's nice of the casino to facilitate in such things.

The sign means that If you congregate in groups of four (no more and no less) you will be surrounded by spears. What else would it mean? 😜

Yup, it looks like that is what the sign is saying!

Yeah, that's all I'm getting from it... Lol kidding aside, please let us know when/if you find out it's true meaning! ✌️✌

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