Time to show his sensitive side, LoL

in #funny6 years ago

In an effort to overcome any misunderstanding

I want to show you a photo taken
by my alter ego, @twiceupnatime,
just before he disappeared from my life.
It's one which I think best illustrates his sensitive side:

photo credit: @twiceuponatime



since I'm sure he wouln't want you to think of him
as some kind of pushover..........

why don't you listen to one of his

favorite recent youtubes while contemplating
his lovely flowers?

Here it is:

Adam Carolla on millennial SJW snowflakes


ouzo and out,


He disappeared from your life just like that? I am not buying it and the movie buffs who have watched (and LOVED) The Usual Suspects won't buy it either ;)

It was just like that!!!

Hee hee

Hey! I never knew my life story was made into a movie!!!!!

Because twiceuponatime is the one who sold the script perhaps? :)

He never gave me even one red cent if he did!!!

Bastard! Really fits with his character though... ;)

I’m going to miss @twiceuponatime:(

Don't waste your sympathy. He's not worth it. And he may just have left because he didn't want to be put to shame by having to see me working so hard to get in shape while he just kicked back as usual.

I already lost sensitivity of my teeth! So how could I feel what you said :D Anyway, where did he gone? I am at a puzzle!


Proof of life or he turned into that tree off to the right in the photo. Alter egos are tricky like that. One moment they are there next they are hunting crocodiles in the swamps of Florida.

Don’t worry you have not gone crazy. I am in fact a talking time traveling cat. Meow and good day.

I know. He is spotted occasionally, here and there, everywhere. However time traveling cats are a breed that I have found in the past to be unreliable mousers :-)

What if I show you the world with different angle?


Thank you. If you have a look at my profile you will find some more beautiful photography! :)

The other side is so lovely.

Nice flowers anyway!

Glad I know a bit more about twiceuponatime -- he's not an easy guy to get to know. :)

He just can't brag in front of me, because I know the truth. But if you meet him somewhere when I'm not around he can't keep his mouth shut about how great he is :-)

are you talking about the sensitivity that we feel in our teeth? :o

Nothing could be that sensitive!

I bet he'll be back. They always come back!

Well, I know that my bad back keeps coming back :-)

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