
in #funny6 years ago (edited)

When you were a kid back in grade school

did you ever have to take one of those I.Q. tests
where you were given groups of picture, or words, or numbers
and asked which one in the group didn't fit with the rest?


Well, I have come up with an I.Q. Test for you guys!

My nemesis, @twiceuponetime, once upon a time took
five photos in the Skeena Valley of British Columbia.
He has kindly let me use them for this test.


The test:

Which of the following five photos

does not fit with the rest?

You decide:

WestCoastArtFourcamera download 319.JPG


WestCoastOnecamera download 326.JPG

WestCoastThreecamera download 322.JPG


WestCoastFivecamera download 331.JPG

WestCoastTwocamera download 321.JPG



  • all photos by by (bye bye?) @twiceuponatime, except (1) & (2) which are from

ouzo and out,




I know, man do I know! That is my brother ;) I spent a year convincing him to get on steemit, and he did finally make an account, (@ed-the-songster) but he has a new baby, and gigs, and he's still working full time as an RN, and just put out his second album release in the beginning of May, and he felt he dropped the ball here. So for now, I'm the one who will keep promoting him on my blog whenever I get the chance, but I will get him back here posting (that is my mantra ;)

Here's something he did for steemit:

And here's another- grab a beer, this is fun ;)

And after that, you will get your daughter on board!

Yes!! And the many friends I'm also working on, haha!

Major LOL

I get the point. Very deep rooted point at that. :)

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."
Henry David Thoreau

Thanks to you, I just read this:

Very, very, interesting. I think I have more reading to do. Thank you very much for broadening my horizons.. :)

My guessing is no 4 Excavator. It's easier to solve some fun facts @onceuponatime.

But what if I said the right answer was the picture that had no grass in it? Then would it be so easy?

That might, or might not, be the right answer. Only my psychiatrist knows for sure :-)

I had totally thought about that

Also 4 because no sky visible :p

So yea, the 5th I mean

No.4, this photo i think does not fit,.

But what if you used your feelings instead of your intellect? "I feel does not fit" instead of "I think does not fit"? When should we use our feelings and when our intellect? Is there an E.Q. test for emotions like there is an I.Q. test for intellect? Do we have any other ways of judging what fits besides emotion and intellect? What if they don't all agree as to what fits?


A lucky guess? or did you cheat :-)

I just like excavators.

If I find differences you don't see, am I still wrong then? Or am I right? Idk? Maybe there is no right or wrong at all. It's all based on perspective

Hey, who's running this test anyway? LOL

Oh, that one is very hard. Can't decide what to chose!
Maybe the first one... or... the second! I don't know.
I think they all fit there!

I think we should all just relax, sit down, have some potato salad, and think about it :-)

We all need some potato salad once or twiceuponatime. Vegetables are healthy!))

Wow! A potato is a vegetable? Who knew!!!

Indeed, I've also found out recently after reading my grandgrandgrand father's notebook!

6th one photo doesnot matches 😋 @onceuponatime

Well, since @twiceuponatime only supplied 5 photos for the test, you can be pretty damn sure that a 6th photo would not fit in with the other five :-)

Bonus participation points for you :-)

Im going to have to go with nimber 5. It is the only picture that is completely zoomed in and lacks anything else in the frame. Its all about the details

My lawyers keep telling me "it's all in the fine print."

with the amount of money your lawyer is making, I bet

3 and 5 are the same picture. Only zoomed in.

It’s not an IQ test!!! I believe it’s something else. But that’s just me.
lol It definitely made me laugh 😂

You're making Progress!

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