A blockchain metaphor for fun.

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

What if reality runs on block-chains and we are all mining ? 

Every moment in time we contribute to verify this reality, we verify the changes between blocks, the moments in time.  

Our attention is our hash-power: Presence into existence and lack of resistance to what we observe probably means more hash-rate.  

Our intention what version of the block-chain we support , what parts of the code we are scanning. The true code is right in front of us but most of the time we choose another version.  When we change our minds we switch versions, group of like-minded people are like a mining pool. 

Infinite amount of alt-coins exist each one a limited copy and or variation of (the universe) the original vanilla block-chain. Everything is side-chains on side-chains to infinity. 

Almost everyone is manipulating everyone with or without their own knowledge or their own will into mining the alt-coins they believe will be profitable.  

When we mine alt-coins our hash-rate and profits seem to go up but in the end their all ponzy-schemes We can in fact mine the original version and those coins be transmuted to any alt-coin.  When we mine parts of the original code we get more real hash-rate because we are a more reliable node. 

Maybe if one miner or a pool would have infinite (100% attention) hash-rate it could verify (it’s whole universe) and one would get a complete block reward which is  also an infinite amount of coins and it would  probably create another universe. The funny thing is the original block reward is infinite so there can be an infinite amount of miners getting infinite block rewards each running infinite side chains with infinite amount of miners running infinite of … It looks like a ponzy but  it got an infinite source of value. It keeps creating perfect block chains that will forever have infinite mutations. 

If we use block chains does this mean the collective human consciousness starts to understand the universe better and that is why we will shape our society according to it, like upgrading our version of the earth block-chain?  


Thanks for this unique and interesting perspective; very thought provoking!

like the matrix kinda. heheh

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