The One-Eyed Arm Bastard and Me

in #funny6 years ago

Do you see this monster? Do you know what it means?

I still remember our first meeting like it was yesterday.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Reason Why Your Arm Hurts.jpeg

It's Already Too Late

You looked.

I was walking. Walking along. That's what people did, back then.

I was carrying books. I was in a hallway. The reason? A bell rang.

We all obeyed, The Bell.

I was young.


One of the infected approached me. At the time, I had no idea he was sick. It was just a regular day.

He was staring at me. That was unusual. People didn't look at me back then unless I had something on my face. I thought it was mustard, again. I was wrong but I had no way of knowing how wrong until, after.

He's still looking at me as we got closer, and closer. Nobody else is looking at me. His friends aren't looking at me but one sports a suspicious grin. Am I about to get my ass kicked? Right here in the hallway? Like this? Now?

I can see things happen, even when I'm not looking. The cloudy portion of my vision detected movement. It was his hand. Was it all about to go down, or did he just want a shake?

I Looked!

I saw the monster for the first time.

Then, before I could process exactly what I was looking at, the monster took control of this kid's fist and I was punched on the arm. That shit hurt. They all laughed. I was confused. Why did this all have to happen to me?

The Infection Spread

The monster had become the latest trend.

This parasite never chose me to be a host but it's still hard to figure out how I survived the whole thing.

It went on for weeks and I had seen this monster living on the hands of other kids, which caused me to feel more pain on my arm, every time, instantly. I saw other kids getting bit, books falling. I can still hear the evil laughter. I hope I don't need pills for that.

Eventually, like all things,

the monster; it evolved.

One day that monster caught me looking again and lunged straight for my nuts. Direct hit!

I dropped and...

You know what?

I can't talk about this anymore.

I thought I was ready. I thought today was, The Day.

I can't go through with this. I can't go back. I can't relive this again. It's too much. Is it hot in here? I can't breathe. Open a window. Turn off that light. Okay, that's better.

No it's not. I have to go.


All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"The circle game."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


what an embarrassing read.... do it again, do it again!

I most likely will, probably.

Hey No names go see my post....ahem, I mean reply to promote COM to new Big Fishes that just join Steem, do you mind making a funny joke undermine to bring attention to our community?

Mucho Gracias, trying to get that comment to the top over a girl who post a lame plagarized joke from the web that got 50% - $10 upvote from that Orca....well hopefully many other Steemians will also see that reply and join COM :)

it's a bit twisted....but I blame the COM folks...i totally glued that together from 3 or was it 4 other comedians and about half a dozen shit and pun they usually write in discord


When I have flashbacks, the floor starts moving in weird ways..

That happened to me once at the West Edmonton Mall during a flight of stairs. They called it an escalator and I can agree because things did escalate rather quickly.

Yep, if there's flying stairs involved, you might be having a flashback lol

Or one hell of a trip.

That was a very.. expressionist post :-)

I do have a technical question: How do you create the small italic characters after the headline tag? They seem smaller than the plain text:

You mean like this?

< sup >If I removed the spaces from the tags on either side of this line, these words would be small as well.</ sup >

< sub >Sub will do the same but this time the words will be on the lower level.</ sub >

Sup and sub

Now we use the asterisk: * Italic *, ** bold **, and *** both ***.

When the spaces are removed: Italic, bold, and both.

You can wrap entire paragraphs with those symbols to get the desired effect. This little line _ will do the same thing so if you had an italicized paragraph but wanted one or two words to be bold, simply wrap those words with two little lines on each side while the entire paragraph is wrapped with one asterisk on each end. Does that even make sense?

< sup >* The word __ apple __ would be bold in this small font italicized sentence. * </ sup >

The word apple would be bold in this small font italicized sentence.

Just remember to remove those spaces.

Now you try!

How awesome! Thank you a lot for explaining it to me!

That's really cool!




upvote for that!

Seriously, thanks!

One day that monster caught me looking again and lunged straight for my nuts. Direct hit!

Just to imagine the pain, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it either. So you have my support!
Your creation is very creative and funny! It’s like eye 👁 looking through someone’s hand👌.

You should have never looked, just run run!!!!!

I hope to know better for next time but until then, I'll start rehearsing.

Yes, you'll be ready next time!!!:)

Did you know that except for the rather large eye in its side and the missing head, that thing looks like a rooster walking to the left? I love the colours.

Yeah. I put some feet some feet-like things on there for effect. It is walking to the left as it leaves a trail of destruction in it's wake.

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-29 at 10.19.30 PM.jpeg

Have I started some kind of a trend? LOL

I think it can be great. Regards!

Run Forrest Run! Why are nut shots so endlessly funny?

Poor bear...

All he wanted to do was bust up that meth lab and save the day.

LOL! I just choked on my water

Ha! I know him! He is a one-eyed peacock rooster!

Take care, he is bad! Very, very bad!

What the hell is wrong with my head? Now I can hear a Micheal Jackson song playing within my mind as I picture an evil peacock, walking along.

Always happy to take insanity a step further ;)

I think I've seen this crab/octopus-like monster at the beach before. Some high school kids had been there, maybe it shed. This thing is contagious? I'm nervous now, as I'm headed back to the beach tomorrow.

I enjoy coming late to the game, after you've filtered through the comments.

A craboctopus sounds interesting. I wonder what they taste like? I googled this but unfortunately the craboctopus didn't exist until now.

Don't be nervous. Just wear thick socks... whatever that means.

I'm Floridian, I don't own thick socks. Would thick flip-flops work? I feel like the claws/tentacles could reach around them. Gah...

I'll keep you posted.

In Canada, even our thick socks have thick socks.

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