Thank You For Being Good

in #funny7 years ago

I'd like to dedicate this post to all those on this platform who work hard, honestly.

You know who you are.

And so do the rest of us.

Thank you for being good,


First, I'd like to thank you for waking up. Well done.

I'm sure that was no easy feat. Please don't strain yourself if you try it again tomorrow. Hit the snooze button all morning if you have to. You've earned it.

Good job. You were able to turn your computer on today. Fantastic.

A round of applause is in order. Seventeen likes.

Now that you're a professional blogger who makes the big bucks, your Facebook friends sure have taken a liking to you. Thanks for letting everyone know your next hit post is coming right up! So exciting. I can't wait.

Thank you for being capable of making another decision shortly after updating your status message.

Isn't it amazing how the coffee can make itself. Everything is automatic. You're not even required to think. That is until you decide to think about something to write about. Just getting to that point must have been difficult for you.


High Five for being able to put everything down and dedicate your mind resources to some solid thought processing.

NoNamesLeftToUse - High Five.jpeg
High Five

Moving Along

You entered a few words into a search bar. Amazing. I'm not even being sarcastic here. You have to actually know what you want before you get it. That shit is hard to do. Congratulations.

Selecting from the first twenty hits was wise of you. Those are there because they are popular and you would like to be popular too. I don't blame you. Nobody does. Good job on not being afraid to be yourself.

Thank you for highlighting the text like a champ.

That takes some serious hand-eye coordination. You didn't even miss a word. Truly remarkable. I'm taking notes.


You've been a blogger for a few weeks and still have access to your account. That tells me one thing and one thing only. You, are a responsible person. You'll never have to worry about losing your keys or access to the box where the things get pasted.

Three more clicks, your article is nearly finished, and that first cup of coffee is still hot. You should easily be able to pull this off nine more times today.

You work hard. So hard. Just thinking about it makes me jealous. I think it's safe to say, we all strive to be just like you someday.

Thank you for putting your honesty on display.

It must have taken many years to be able to build up that much genuine confidence.

To believe in yourself so much that you'd spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars worth of advertising time just so your hard work and intelligence level can shine brighter than all the others must take huge brains and massive balls.

Not many thieves would walk into a store and kindly announce their name along with the fact they're planning on taking as much as they can carry out the door.

You're so strong both physically and mentally that you managed to pull it off without using weapons or threats.

I'm Speechless

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, generosity, and most importantly; your honesty. I firmly believe all of those in your field could learn a few things from you. Leading by example is noble and should be commended.

It's true, you're one of the good ones. I think we can all agree though, it's takes a special kind of good to be that awesome.


Thank You, Plagiarizer

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Don't do it, Five! It's not worth it!"
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


I think I will post this tomorrow under my own name. It deserves the recognition that a good stealing can give.

I might even pay to promote it. If I do know that the success of the post is in no way relayed to the amount I spent


I hope your sting pans out.

I'll come visit your comment section and say, "Nice post(because it is a nice post. I wrote it)," then upvote my comment to the top.

AHAH that's a good one!

I've stepped back and took a good hard look at what goes on in this site. I see people pouring their hearts out following all the rules, submitting original material and pictures and don't even get noticed for it. Then I seen claims that you have to do this for twenty five to fifty articles before anyone pays any attention to you, again a falsehood, I checked out people who have done just that getting desperate and using bots to make ten, fifteen dollars on a post, then comes the claims that it just plain wasn't good enough. To who's standard of being good enough? I've seen post with a lot of genuine input and heartfelt, it may not have been on best sellers level but on that person's level it was their best. When they don't even get as much as a "atta boy" just what would make you think they'd want to even try harder? We are all unique in our contributions to the world, our experiences and our abilities to share them. If someone with a disability to express themselves is telling you a story would you blurt out to them I don't have time for your in-cohesive blabbering or would you listen contently in hopes it aspires them to keep practicing, to gain courage in their ability to express themselves? I myself already had two bad experiences on here, both were contest, one guy's contest was writing a story about people who needed food or medicine and whatever story won he'd donate to that cause. There were rules you had to follow. He broke his own rules, went and picked some kids from Nigeria who weren't even starving, didn't link up their story...he actually even went and looked for something they wrote and declared them the winners...why? ...because it benefited him, he claimed a whole new group of followers who'd find him more followers. Then there was another contest where everyone was guaranteed a up vote. I also poured my heart out for two, three hours writing that....and nothing happened, not a nod, not a look, notta. It wasn't until I practically called him out on it that I and someone else I knew who wrote a story finally got some recognition. I really appreciated that unlike others who complained and got no reply he actually got back to me and her and I got more than a little upvote, I was grateful for that acknowledgement of hard work. I've learned something in the short time I've been on here and personally I don't blame people for giving up, I can't blame people for using bots, and I can't blame people for not wanting to keep bleeding their hearts out writing stuff that no one gives two hoots about. So I've decided I am just going to be who I am and not worry about someone telling me I am not good enough.

So I've decided I am just going to be who I am and not worry about someone telling me I am not good enough.

That's all I did.

Also, when someone promises you something that sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I don't take shortcuts. That's how you get lost.

Those people you mentioned and what they did, their words and actions are all locked into the blockchain, ready and willing to haunt them. Don't worry about them, you've already won.

Ah yes, the newbie feels. I felt the same way a few days ago but I've learned not to take this site too seriously and just keep posting what I like.

It takes time to build a following and people do use bots to make their posts trend sometimes. It doesn't really matter who upvotes and decides if your post is a quality one. Let's keep interacting and we'll get noticed by the whales, dolphins and the people who like what we write soon enough.

Honestly, if I don't have nothing to say I prefer to shut up and just leave comments, like I'm doing nowadays, instead of simply copy and paste someone else thoughts. It is shameful and humiliating.
By the way, great high five, must be difficoult to reach for short people.

You're right. It doesn't make much sense at all and there's far more money now and down the road when someone is honest. Flawed logic, or lack of brain. Who knows!

As for that High Five, thanks. It's probably the highest five in all of Steemit. Maybe even the internet. As for those short people... it depends how high they can jump, but most just ask someone like me to reach it for them.

I am a short person (not a midget eh!) and I find it ....UNFAIR!

You should copy this and post it again tomorrow. We can debate whether or not you can plagiarize yourself. And if you do it too much, do you go blind or grow hair on your palms?

"I shave my palms for a reason," said me just now, while telling a joke.

Maybe I will post it again tomorrow. That way, I can flag myself. Then, I'll be able to write the, "I hate it when they flag me," post on Wednesday. That should stir up enough drama and I should have ideas for Thursday and Friday. Sounds like a solid plan to me.

"You entered a few words into a search bar. Amazing. I'm not even being sarcastic here." So, I'm sitting here wondering why you went all serious on us. I can't even begin to understand you if you're going to pull 'serious' on me. So, I did see a comment about cutting and pasting this, this 'if you can call it that' post, tomorrow, would that be plagiarizing your self. It's like the movie Inception. I'll be here, watching or actually, probably not, I just thought I'd say something insincere under the mask of sincere. Actually, I'm confused now.

I just have fun saying I'm not being sarcastic during one of the most sarcastic lines out of this entire mess of confusion we've all come to know as my writing style.

I think, if I did start posting this post daily, instead of being called a plagiarizer, maybe just call me an asshole. I think that would be more accurate.

So much sarcasm it even felt serious! Plagiarizers are such amazing people...

That cliff looks familiar. I think it's one of the cliffs I thought about jumping off when I realized just how many people out there are cheating and stealing their way through life at the expense of others. I didn't jump, though, and I hope Five didn't either.

Five just felt like getting high today. I'm sure after it takes five, it'll come down, naturally... and I don't mean splat.

The finest sarcasm can be pointed and funny. I wonder how many of the plagiarizers will be listening. Well done though

Can they listen though? If anything they're busy copy/pasting this. Now... wouldn't that be hilarious...


I will find them and virtual slap them back to rep level 0!

Didn't happen to me. It affects us all though. Just felt like writing some satire today.

OKAY! I NEED TO calm down..

I'm zen again. Have a good day haha

I appreciate you flagging that trash down. I gave what little my downvote was towards it as well. It’s just so sad how easy the system can be exploited by people willing to toss a few bucks at something.

I was more pissed off about the reputation gains that guy had. I’ve work very hard just to get to the level I’m at. He passed me up like it was some kind of joke. Which pisses me off more then what money that sob was able to escape with. It meant nothing fucking nothing to him. We were just a means to his ends.

Sad thing is people like that will come back again and try again. They got to taste the money and they will just find smarter ways to go about it. I really wish voting services where more selective and something people had to earn. Least that way everyone walking along the street just can't flash a $5 bill and getting a blowjob from reward pool.

I should take a moment to thank the bots and their owners for also being honest. It's easy to see what they support when they'e so open about it and plaster their names all over the posts as a stamp of approval. How can we not admire that honesty...

Sounds like a wonderful post for tomorrow! Least one of bots blacklisted that account from using there services and removed votes. Granted that account is burned he be dumb to ever use it again or spend money on it.

Just sad he can come back with a new account stick out another $5 bill and get a fucking blowjob right there in middle of the street. People will cheer him on and tell him his shit don't stink. Hell if pays enough steemit will just bend over and he can do lines of coke right off the booty all night long.

I think one of the best ways to find those who are attempting the shady stuff is to simply look at who's buying votes. Start there. That makes it easy.

One of the services does that but he admits they can and will just go elsewhere and its very time consuming. Most places don’t give a shit. Heck even with that 2.5 day compline or whatever that is being forced with random downvotes many places still allow last minute voting. Which shows how little they care about anyone since they run risk of people using their service being down voted.

There are many people that do look for and call out this crap. But there are so many votes being casted it’s easy to overlook things for a while. Till someone speaks up and contacts the right group to go check in on things. It’s just not often they have the balls to end up in trending with there parts flapping in the wind.

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