No: I was NOT Killed in a Bus Accident!

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

How can I, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, be any more stressed out?

Allow me to explain!

Some people just don't know when to quit.

They need counselling!

They go around telling people that someone else was killed in a bus accident when that guy is actually alive and well.

Who are, Jerks?

Very good! You are correct!

Next category.

WTF Moments for $800, Alex.

If someone was going around telling people that you were killed in a bus accident, I'm pretty sure you'd want a few words with them as well.


Nope. Sorry. You forgot to phrase your response in the form of a question.

@NoNamesLeftToUse, your turn to choose.

WTF Moments for $1000.

Were you killed in a bus accident?

I was NOT killed in a bus accident!

I think it's my turn to start asking the questions around here, Alex.

Is this The Walking Dead Week?

Do I look like a dead person to you?

Who's mother dresses you?

Do people just casually get killed in bus accidents, then come on tv shows and just stand around acting normal while they question your stupid answers?

Does someone just slide out from under the bus like it ain't no thang?

No! They Don't!

Because they're dead!

One does not simply Jeopardy from the grave.


Where did you go, Alex?

Hello? Hello?

Can anyone hear me?

Is this thing on?

What's happening?

Commercial break?


Do I still have to phrase everything as a question?

Why am I on Jeopardy?

Is this heaven or hell or what the fuck is going on?

Some place in between?

Is the escalator broken?

Is it because I used the f-word?

Why was I talking about a bus accident?

Should I be talking about my day and maybe a few things about life in general?

Bus accidents that didn't happen?

Or, did it happen?

How could I even know that I was dead if I was dead?

Maybe, after they threw me under the bus, I did die, but I don't remember that part?

Maybe that's why it feels like I have a hangover today?

Was I thrown under a bus?

Did someone bused a cap in my ass after all?

Why can't I write a decent post today?

Is hell just a vicious cycle of waking up to write the same shit post day after day?

How many more stupid game show posts about bus accidents can one person write before people notice that's all they ever seem to talk about?

Why does my head hurt?

Who turned that tv up so loud?


Do I look like I got hit by a bus?

Chuck Got Dragged - Copy.jpeg
Recent selfie?

The end?

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Can anyone see these words?"
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)

Update: I have no idea why I tried to play Jeopardy in the comment section. It just... happened. Please don't hate me.




Who is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself?

That's correct! You have control of the board.

Whatever you feel like saying next for $400.


What is a cool blue box with words on it? I mean! Wait!

Who is @therealpaul?

I think I'm bored of Jeopardy hell now.

Clearly, I've been thrown under the bus today.

How did I know! LOL!

Well thank god you aren't dead, cause you pay so good in comments...

What are vote beggars?

vote beggars...

What is every vote beggar, ever? :)

Donald Trump??? xD

Sorry. Incorrect. You did not phrase your response as an answer.

Donald Trump!!! I am sure now!!!

I laugh out loud for real reading your posts. This one's the best so far, when I got to scrolling that bloody bus streak I blurted a laugh so loud that it scared the upstairs neighbors dogs... Oh well, they scare me sometimes too when they bark, saving us all from dudes handing out fliers.

What are annoying neighbors?

If you have to ask, it might be you lol :P (Says the guy who had to move 8 times in 5 years because of things like "a strong odor of marijuana constantly emanating from your apartment" and "you came home at 5am and rang our doorbell asking to borrow money for cocaine and a taxi")

What is dude, I'm not actually asking questions. I'm sitting here playing Jeopardy with everyone and they don't know they're playing Jeopardy. If you truly want to see someone bomb a joke, just read my comment section...

It's always fun when I have to scrolled downwards to see the entire art piece. Glad you're still alive. Life around here would be dull without you.

What is I try my best?

My joke totally bombed here today though. Jeopardy hell is hell and will never happen again! LOL... sigh

slaps forehead What is I totally missed the joke. Now that you point it out I get it. In my defense I was distracted. Sesame Street was playing really loud in the background for my kid so I was in my own version of hell listening to puppets sing while I read this.

Here fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy!

What's up today? I feel you are anxious and a bit nervous. Why do you feel everything loud? Why your heart hurts? What scares you?

I tagged this 'funny' for a reason. This post has nothing to do with me. It's a joke about being in jeopardy hell. A joke that clearly bombed.

Clearly. You see? I am heavy and dumb, sitting in a office working on a stupid concept note.
It is Saint Valentine day today and I am sad, upset and I hate everyone because I have never been so single in my life.

Here. Try my balls. They'll make you feel better.
V Balls.jpeg

Ahahah :) Grazie


Happy Valentine's Day.

I hate Valentine's day.


Just try to make the best of it.

Get drunk alone and throw your empty bottles at men who pass by.

I saw your last words there, just so you know. I really think the bus driver should have made an unscheduled stop after running over you, instead of driving to the end of the block first. At any rate, he turned out to be a good artist.

What is an attentive reader who likes bus art?

Once again the judges are all like "fuck it", so... that is correct?

Nope, sorry. You forgot to phrase your response in the form of an answer.

If this means you're a little post-weary: we are in the same club. Why is Steemit so exhausting? Or maybe I missed the point because I'm too exhausted. Come to think of it, it's probably just my thyroid not behaving again. Don't bother reading this comment, probably.

What is rambling? :)

Whatever you feel like saying next for $400 please.

How many questions did you did in that post?
Why so many?
Don´t you know how to say something without making a question?
Why the bus thing?
Are you sure you are alive?
Why i ask so many questions too?
Omg, It is contageous?
Will i ever stop making questions?
Why the sky is blue?
Why my arse itches today?
Should i wash it again?

This poor thing looks exactly like me in the morning, and so many bloody details! You're such a talent :D

What is spaghetti and meatballs?

That’s a one of a hell long Red haired @nonameslefttouse. You look like a furious monster who has just had a bus accident. I hope you didn’t get killed.

What is The President?

I hope I have it right. In steemit comunity we should help each other.
The President of the United States (abbreviated as POTUS, pronounced /ˈpoʊ.təs/, POE-tus) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.
Salary: $400,000 annually

What is The President?

What is your opinion?

The president is a Valentine’s Day tomorrow!

What is something that doesn't make sense?

I think I got it, I just stop. However it could be anything. You can change your mind anytime. Cheers!

What is quitting while you're ahead?

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